
I (comprehend) verb absorb, accept, appreciate, apprehend, assimilate, conceptualize, conjure up, digest, discern, envisage, envision, fathom, figure out, form a conception, grasp, have an idea, ideate, image, imagine, know, perceive, picture, realize, see, understand, visualize II (invent) verb begin, bring into being, bring into existence, coin, compose, concipere, concoct, contrive, create, design, develop, devise, draft, dream up, excogitate, fabricate, formulate, frame, generate, give birth to, hatch, inchoate, initiate, innovate, make up, originate, pian, prepare, start associated concepts: conceive a criminal plan III index appreciate (comprehend), compose, comprehend (understand), conjure, contrive, create, deem, devise (invent), frame (formulate), initiate, invent (produce for the first time), originate, presume, produce (manufacture), recognize (perceive), reflect (ponder), reproduce, surmise, understand

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • Conceive — Con*ceive , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Conceived}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Conceiving}.] [OF. conzoivre, concever, conceveir, F. concevoir, fr. L. oncipere to take, to conceive; con + capere to seize or take. See {Capable}, and cf. {Conception}.] 1. To… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Conceive — Con*ceive , v. i. 1. To have an embryo or fetus formed in the womb; to breed; to become pregnant. [1913 Webster] A virgin shall conceive, and bear a son. Isa. vii. 14. [1913 Webster] 2. To have a conception, idea, or opinion; think; with of.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • conceive — [v1] understand accept, appreciate, apprehend, assume, believe, catch, compass, comprehend, deem, dig, envisage, expect, fancy, feel, follow, gather, get, grasp, imagine, judge, perceive, realize, reckon, suppose, suspect, take, twig; concept 15… …   New thesaurus

  • conceive of — index apprehend (perceive), construe (comprehend) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • conceive — late 13c., conceiven, take (seed) into the womb, become pregnant, from stem of O.Fr. conceveir (Mod.Fr. concevoir), from L. concipere (pp. conceptus) to take in and hold; become pregnant, from com , intensive prefix (see COM (Cf. com )), + comb.… …   Etymology dictionary

  • conceive — *think, imagine, fancy, realize, envisage, envision Analogous words: *consider, excogitate: speculate, cogitate, *think: *ponder, ruminate, meditate …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • conceive — ► VERB 1) become pregnant with (a child). 2) devise in the mind; imagine. ORIGIN Latin concipere, from capere take …   English terms dictionary

  • conceive — [kən sēv′] vt. conceived, conceiving [ME conceiven < OFr conceveir < L concipere (pp. conceptus), to take in, receive < com , together + capere, to take: see HAVE] 1. to become pregnant with; cause to begin life 2. to form or develop in… …   English World dictionary

  • conceive — con|ceive [kənˈsi:v] v [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: conceivre, from Latin concipere to take in, conceive , from com ( COM ) + capere to take ] 1.) [I and T] formal to imagine a particular situation or to think about something in a… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • conceive — [[t]kənsi͟ːv[/t]] conceives, conceiving, conceived 1) VERB: usu with brd neg If you cannot conceive of something, you cannot imagine it or believe it. [V of n/ ing] I just can t even conceive of that quantity of money... [V of n/ ing] He was… …   English dictionary

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