
I adjective accommodative, accordant, agreeable, agreeing, aligned, allied, assenting, assentive, at one, banded together, blending, bonded, cemented, coexistent, coexisting, coinciding, combinative, compatible, complementary, compliant, concors, concurrent, concurring, conformable, conforming, congruent, congruous, conjoined, conjunctional, consensual, consentaneous, consenting, consistent, consonant, coordinate, correlated, correlative, correspondent, corresponding, fusing, harmonious, in accord, in agreement, in concert, in conjunction, in harmony, in rapport, in unison, joint, merged, merging, mutual, of the same mind, reconcilable, sympathetic, unanimous, uniform, united, uniting II index agreed (harmonized), appropriate, commensurable, commensurate, concerted, concurrent (united), congruous, consensual, consenting, consistent, consonant, correlative, felicitous, fit, harmonious, joint, nonmilitant

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  • concordant — CONCORDÁNT, Ă, concordanţi, te, adj. Care concordă (cu...), care coincide, care se suprapune cu... ♦ Straturi (sau formaţii) geologice concordante = straturi care s au depus într un proces continuu de sedimentare. – Din fr. concordant. Trimis de… …   Dicționar Român

  • concordant — concordant, ante [ kɔ̃kɔrdɑ̃, ɑ̃t ] adj. • XIIIe; de concorder 1 ♦ Qui concorde avec (autre chose). Témoignages concordants. Versions concordantes. 2 ♦ (1845) Géol. Qui présente une disposition régulière (⇒ concordance). Structure, stratification …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • concordant — concordant, ante 1. (kon kor dan, dan t ) adj. 1°   Où règne la concorde. •   Le prince de Monaco y ramena sa femme [à Monaco] ; le ménage n en fut pas plus concordant, SAINT SIMON 348, 72. •   Rose avait marié sa petite fille à Portail ; le… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Concordant — Con*cord ant, a. [L. concordans, p. pr. of concordare: cf. F. concordant. See {Concord}.] Agreeing; correspondent; harmonious; consonant. [1913 Webster] Were every one employed in points concordant to their natures, professions, and arts,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • concordant — late 15c. of persons, 1510s of things, 1550s of music, from Fr. concordant, from L. concordantem, prp. of concordare (see CONCORD (Cf. concord)). Related: Concordantly …   Etymology dictionary

  • Concordant — (fr., spr. Kongkordang), so v. w. Bariton …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • concordant — [unkənkôrd′ nt] adj. [Fr < L concordans: see CONCORDANCE] agreeing; consonant; harmonious concordantly adv …   English World dictionary

  • concordant — adjective Agreeing; correspondent; harmonious; consonant; in keeping with; agreeable with; concordant with; concordant to …   Wiktionary

  • concordant — adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French, from Latin concordant , concordans Date: 15th century consonant, agreeing • concordantly adverb …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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