patent claims

patent claims
A patent specification must contain a drawing or a verbal description and claims describing the essential inventive elements comprising the invention. Their drafting must be precise and is a job for a patent agent - they must be neither too broad or too narrow. Under section 14 of the Patents Act 1977 claims must define the protection claimed, be clear and concise, be supported by the description and relate to one invention or related group of inventions.

Easyform Glossary of Law Terms. — UK law terms.

patent claims
Statements included in a patent that describe (or recite) the structure of an invention in precise and exact terms, using a long-established formal style and precise terminology. Claims form the boundaries of an invention much like a deed describes the boundaries of real property. They may be broad or narrow in terms of the scope of the invention they address. The greater the scope of the invention defined in the claims (that is, the broader the claims), the wider the reach of the patent.
Category: Patent, Copyright & Trademark → Patent Law

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

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  • patent application — Obtaining a patent under the Patents Act 1977 falls into three main stages. Firstly an application is filed with the Patent Office. This filing date commences the 20 year period of patent protection (see also priority date). After a twelve month… …   Law dictionary

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