
index abstract, adhesion (affixing), brief, capsule, centralization, compendium, congealment, curtailment, digest, hornbook, outline (synopsis), paraphrase, restatement, scenario, synopsis

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  • condensation — [ kɔ̃dɑ̃sasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1361; lat. imp. condensatio 1 ♦ Passage d un corps de la phase gazeuse à une des phases condensées, liquide ou solide; action de condenser. Point de condensation (cf. Point de rosée). ⇒ saturation. Condensation de la… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Condensation — Con den*sa tion, n. [L. condensatio: cf. F. condensation.] 1. The act or process of condensing or of being condensed; the state of being condensed. [1913 Webster] He [Goldsmith] was a great and perhaps an unequaled master of the arts of selection …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • condensation — CONDENSATION. s. f. Terme de Physique, qui se dit par opposition à Raréfaction, et qui signifie L action par laquelle un corps est ren du plus dense, plus compacte, plus serré. La condensation de l air …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • condensation — [n1] abridgment abstract, boildown*, breviary, brief, compendium, compression, concentration, consolidation, conspectus, contraction, curtailment, digest, epitome, essence, précis, reduction, summary, synopsis; concepts 283,730 Ant. unabridgment… …   New thesaurus

  • condensation — Condensation. s. f. v. Action par laquelle un corps est condensé. Il se dit aussi de l effet de la condensation …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • condensation — [kän΄dən sā′shən] n. [LL condensatio] 1. the act of condensing, as the reduction of a gas to a liquid or the abridgment of a piece of writing 2. the product of such an act [to read a condensation of a novel] 3. the condition of being condensed …   English World dictionary

  • condensation — c.1600, action of becoming more dense, from L. condensationem (nom. condensatio), noun of action from condensare (see CONDENSE (Cf. condense)). Meaning conversion of a gas to a liquid is from 1610s …   Etymology dictionary

  • condensation — ► NOUN 1) water from humid air collecting as droplets on a cold surface. 2) the conversion of a vapour or gas to a liquid. 3) a concise version of something …   English terms dictionary

  • Condensation — For other uses, see Condensation (disambiguation). Water vapour condenses into a liquid after making contact with the surface of a cold bottle …   Wikipedia

  • Condensation — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Condensation (homonymie). En thermodynamique, la condensation désigne le passage d un corps pur de l état gazeux directement à l état solide, sans passer par l état liquide[1]. Pour la terminologie des… …   Wikipédia en Français

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