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conflagrate — 1650s, to catch fire, from L. conflagrat , pp. stem of conflagrare (see CONFLAGRATION (Cf. conflagration)). Meaning to set on fire is from 1835 … Etymology dictionary
conflagrate — verb a) To catch fire. b) To set fire to something. See Also: conflagration … Wiktionary
conflagrate — Synonyms and related words: bank, burn, enkindle, fan the flame, feed, feed the fire, fire, ignite, inflame, kindle, light, light up, rekindle, relight, relume, set fire to, set on fire, stir the fire, stoke, stoke the fire, strike a light, torch … Moby Thesaurus
conflagrate — con·fla·grate … English syllables
conflagrate — /ˈkɒnfləgreɪt/ (say konfluhgrayt) verb (t), verb (i) (conflagrated, conflagrating) → burn1. {Latin conflagrātus, past participle, burnt. See conflagration} –conflagrant /kənˈfleɪgrənt/ (say kuhn flaygruhnt), adjective …
conflagrate — verb 1. cause to start burning The setting sun kindled the sky with oranges and reds • Syn: ↑kindle, ↑enkindle, ↑inflame • Derivationally related forms: ↑inflammation (for: ↑infl … Useful english dictionary
ignite — v 1. set on fire, light, Inf. put the match to, illuminate, kindle, enkindle; set fire to, conflagrate, inflame, touch off; fire, burn, blow up; relight, rekindle, relume, relumine; Both Chem. heat intensely, roast. 2. catch fire, take fire,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
light — 1. verb /laɪt/ a) To start (a fire). She lit her last match. b) To set fire to. I lit upon a rare book in a second hand booksellers. Syn: ignite … Wiktionary
fire — I (burn) verb conflagrate, deflagrate, heat, ignite, incandesce, inflame, kindle, light, scorch, singe, warm associated concepts: Fire Act, Firefighter s Rule, Fireman s Rule, invitees II (discharge) verb depose, dismiss, expel, lay off, remove,… … Law dictionary
burn — I verb blaze, blister, brand, burn to a cinder, burst into flame, catch fire, cauterize, char, conflagrate, consume, cremate, deflagrate, enkindle, fire, flame up, flare, gut, ignite, incandesce, incendiarize, incinerate, inflame, kindle, light… … Law dictionary