
index association (alliance), association (connection), board, corporation, facility (institution), foundation (organization), institute

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • association — as·so·ci·a·tion n 1: a group of persons who share common interests or a common purpose and who are organized with varying degrees of formality compare corporation 2: the act of having contact or communication with or keeping company with another… …   Law dictionary

  • КОЛЛЕГИЯ —    • Collegium          (до Августа conlegium), соединение нескольких (по крайней мере трех) людей, которые все вместе составляли так называемое юридическое или нравственное лицо. Более обширное значение имеет sodalitas; ordo и corpus позднейшие… …   Реальный словарь классических древностей

  • corporation — cor·po·ra·tion /ˌkȯr pə rā shən/ n [Late Latin corporatio, from Latin corporare to form into a body, from corpor corpus body]: an invisible, intangible, artificial creation of the law existing as a voluntary chartered association of individuals… …   Law dictionary

  • board — n often cap 1 a: a group of individuals having managerial, supervisory, investigatory, or advisory powers over a public or private business, trust, or other organization or institution Board of Regents Board of Bar Overseers …   Law dictionary

  • facility — I (easiness) noun ability, adeptness, adroitness, capability, competence, deftness, dexterity, ease, effortlessness, expertise, expertness, facilitas, flexibility, fluency, freedom from difficulty, grace, gracefulness, proficiency, quickness,… …   Law dictionary

  • foundation — foun·da·tion n 1: a basis upon which something stands or is supported; specif: a witness s preliminary testimony given to identify or explain evidence being offered at trial and establish its connection to the issue for which it is offered the… …   Law dictionary

  • institute — in·sti·tute 1 vt tut·ed, tut·ing 1: to establish in a particular position or office; specif in the civil law of Louisiana: to appoint as heir see also instituted heir at heir 2: to get started …   Law dictionary

  • CONLEG — conlegii, conlegium …   Abbreviations in Latin Inscriptions

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