
I (awake) adjective able to recognize, active, acute, alert, alive, animate, astir, breathing, endowed with life, enlivened, existent, existing, extant, imbued with life, in existence, inspirited, live, living, mortal, vivified II (aware) adjective acquainted with, apperceptive, appreciative, apprehending, apprised, attentive, cognizant, comprehending, conscius, discerning, heedful, informed, knowing, mindful, observant, perceptive, percipient, rational, regardful, sensible, sentient, undeceived, understanding, vigilant, watchful associated concepts: conscious act, conscious disregard for others, conscious indifference, conscious reaction III index circumspect, cognizant, deliberate, express, familiar (informed), intentional, knowing, perceptive, premeditated, receptive, sensible, sensitive (discerning), willful

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • Conscious — Con scious, a. [L. conscius; con + scire to know. See {Conscience}.] 1. Possessing the faculty of knowing one s own thoughts or mental operations. [1913 Webster] Some are thinking or conscious beings, or have a power of thought. I. Watts. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • conscious — [kän′shəs] adj. [L conscius, knowing, aware < conscire: see CONSCIENCE] 1. having a feeling or knowledge (of one s own sensations, feelings, etc. or of external things); knowing or feeling ( that something is or was happening or existing);… …   English World dictionary

  • conscious — [adj1] alert, awake able to recognize, acquainted, aesthetic, alive to, apperceptive, apprised, assured, attentive, au courant, aware, certain, cognizant, conversant, discerning, felt, hep to*, informed, in on*, in right mind, keen, knowing,… …   New thesaurus

  • conscious — ► ADJECTIVE 1) aware of and responding to one s surroundings. 2) (usu. conscious of) aware. 3) deliberate: a conscious effort. DERIVATIVES consciously adverb. ORIGIN Latin conscius knowing with others or in oneself …   English terms dictionary

  • -conscious — UK [ˈkɒnʃəs] US [ˈkɑnʃəs] suffix used with some nouns and adverbs to make adjectives describing a person or organization that gives a lot of attention to a particular subject or thing Our aim is to operate in an environmentally conscious manner.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • -conscious — [kän′shəs] combining form aware of and attaching importance to [status conscious] * * * …   Universalium

  • -conscious — [kän′shəs] combining form aware of and attaching importance to [status conscious] …   English World dictionary

  • conscious of — index acquainted Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • conscious — c.1600, knowing, privy to, from L. conscius knowing, aware, from conscire (see CONSCIENCE (Cf. conscience)); probably a loan translation of Gk. syneidos. A word adopted from the Latin poets and much mocked at first. Sense of active and awake is… …   Etymology dictionary

  • conscious — sensible, *aware, cognizant, alive, awake Analogous words: attending or attentive, minding or mindful, watching (see corresponding verbs at TEND): *watchful, alert, vigilant: perceiving, noticing, noting, remarking, observing (see SEE) Antonyms:… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

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