consider beneath oneself

consider beneath oneself
index disdain

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  • disdain — I noun abhorrence, abjuration, abnegation, act of despising, act of discrediting, act of loathing, act of scorning, act of shunning, act of spurning, act of taunting, airs, arrogance, contempt, contemptio, contemptuousness, contumeliousness,… …   Law dictionary

  • dis|dain´er — dis|dain «dihs DAYN», verb, noun. –v.t. to look down on; consider beneath oneself or one s notice; scorn: »The honest official disdained the offer of a bribe. Now that she is rich, she disdains to speak to her old friends. SYNONYM(S): despise,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • dis|dain — «dihs DAYN», verb, noun. –v.t. to look down on; consider beneath oneself or one s notice; scorn: »The honest official disdained the offer of a bribe. Now that she is rich, she disdains to speak to her old friends. SYNONYM(S): despise, spurn. –n.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • disdain — /dis dayn , di stayn /, v.t. 1. to look upon or treat with contempt; despise; scorn. 2. to think unworthy of notice, response, etc.; consider beneath oneself: to disdain replying to an insult. n. 3. a feeling of contempt for anything regarded as… …   Universalium

  • contemn — v 1. disdain, scorn, despise, misprize, show contempt for, view with contempt, hold in contempt, snap one s fingers at, turn up one s nose at, spurn, slight, snub, shun. 2. deprecate, vituperate, disparage, reproach, censure, decry, condemn,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • despise — v 1. scorn, disdain, contemn, spurn, misprize; show contempt for, scout, flout, consider beneath oneself, look down on or upon, look down the nose at, have a low opinion of; deride, scoff at, sneer at, jeer at, mock, ridicule, laugh at; slight,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • disdain — v 1. scorn, contemn, hold in contempt, revile; misprize, consider beneath oneself, spurn, spit upon, curl one s lip at; despise, hate, detest, loathe, abhor; reproach, deprecate, disparage; deride, ridicule, laugh at, poke fun at, make fun of. 2 …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • scorn — n 1. disdain, contempt, contemptuousness, scornfulness, contumely, opprobrium; insolence, arrogance, haughtiness; deprecation, disparagement, belittling. 2. derision, sneering, scoffing, jeering, mockery, mocking, taunting, flouting, gibing, twit …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • scout — I n 1. reconnoiterer, outrider, leader, guide, advance man, avant courier, spy, bird dog, emissary; advance guard, vanguard, van. 2. Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Eagle Scout; Brownie, Girl Scout, Cadette, Senior Scout. v 3. reconnoiter, Obs. pickeer,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • sniff — v 1. snuff, snuffle, inhale, breathe in, take in air, whiff; sniffle, snivel. 2. smell, smell in the air, get a whiff of, perceive or detect the aroma or odor of, catch the scent of; smell out, trace, track, trail. 3. sniff at turn one s nose up… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

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