peremptory challenge

peremptory challenge
peremptory challenge see challenge

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

peremptory challenge
the right to challenge jurors without having to give a reason or show cause. It was abolished in England and Wales by the Criminal Justice Act 1988 and in Scotland by the Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 1995.

Collins dictionary of law. . 2001.

peremptory challenge
The right to dismiss or excuse a potential juror during jury selection without having to give a reason. Each party to a lawsuit gets a set number of peremptory challenges.Compare: challenge for cause
Category: Criminal Law
Category: Representing Yourself in Court
Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits
Category: Working With a Lawyer

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

peremptory challenge
The right to challenge a juror without assigning, or being required to assign, a reason for the challenge.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

peremptory challenge
The right to challenge a juror without assigning, or being required to assign, a reason for the challenge.
II Request by a party that a judge not allow a certain prospective juror as a member of the jury. No reason or cause need be stated. (See challenge for cause.)

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

peremptory challenge
   the right of the plaintiff and the defendant in a jury trial to have a juror dismissed before trial without stating a reason. This challenge is distinguished from a "challenge for cause" (reason) based on the potential juror admitting bias, acquaintanceship with one of the parties or their attorney, personal knowledge about the facts, or some other basis for believing he/she might not be impartial. The number of peremptory challenges for each side will differ based on state law, the number of parties to a case, and whether it is a civil or criminal trial. The usual phrasing used by lawyers exercising the challenge is "Juror number seven may be excused."

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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  • Peremptory challenge — usually refers to a right in jury selection for the defense and prosecution to reject a certain number of potential jurors who appear to have an unfavorable bias without having to give any reason. Other potential jurors may be challenged for… …   Wikipedia

  • Peremptory challenge — Peremptory Per emp*to*ry, a. [L. peremptorius destructive, deadly, decisive, final: cf. F. p[ e]remptorie. See {Perempt}.] 1. Precluding debate or expostulation; not admitting of question or appeal; positive; absolute; decisive; conclusive; final …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Peremptory challenge — Challenge Chal lenge, n. [OE. chalenge claim, accusation, challenge, OF. chalenge, chalonge, claim, accusation, contest, fr. L. calumnia false accusation, chicanery. See {Calumny}.] 1. An invitation to engage in a contest or controversy of any… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • peremptory challenge — /pərɛmptri ˈtʃæləndʒ/ (say puhremptree chaluhnj) noun Law a challenge (def. 4c) to a juror for which no reason has to be given, three being allowed to each side in a court case. Compare challenge for cause …  

  • peremptory challenge — A challenge to a juror to be exercised by a party to a civil action or criminal prosecution without assignment of reason or cause. Bufford v State, 148 Neb 38, 26 NW2d 383. A challenge to a judge without assignment of reason or cause. Austin v… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • peremptory challenge — noun Date: circa 1531 a challenge (as of a juror) made as of right without assigning any cause …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • peremptory challenge — noun : a challenge (as of a juror) made as of right without assigning any cause …   Useful english dictionary

  • peremptory challenge — Law. a formal objection to the service of a juror by a party to a criminal prosecution or a civil action that requires no showing of cause. [1520 30] * * * …   Universalium

  • peremptory challenge — noun Law a defendant s or lawyer s objection to a proposed juror, for which a reason need not be given …   English new terms dictionary

  • peremptory challenge — peremp′tory chal′lenge n. law a formal objection to a prospective juror that does not require a cause to be shown • Etymology: 1520–30 …   From formal English to slang

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