permanent injury

permanent injury
Physical or mental damage that will indefinitely restrict the employment or other normal activities of an individual. In a lawsuit to recover damages caused by the negligence or intentional wrongful act of another, a permanent injury can be a major element in an award of general damages.
Category: Accidents & Injuries
Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

permanent injury
   physical or mental damage which will restrict the employment and/or other activities of a person for the rest of his/her life. In a lawsuit to recover damages caused by the negligence or intentional wrongful act of another, a permanent injury can be a major element in an award of general damages.
   See also: permanent disability

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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  • permanent injury — An injury, the future effect of which as a complete or partial disability appears with reasonable certainty. 22 Am J2d Damg § 117. Within the meaning of the risk assumed by an insurer, a lasting or continuous injury. Rom v Republic Coal Co. 94… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • permanent disability — n. A disability that impairs a person’s earning capacity for the rest of his or her life. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008. permanent disability …   Law dictionary

  • injury — in·ju·ry n pl ries [Latin injuria, from injurus injurious, from in not + jur jus right] 1: an act that wrongs or harms another; specif: a violation of a legally protected interest (as the physical or mental well being, property, reputation, or… …   Law dictionary

  • injury — Any wrong or damage done to another, either in his person, rights, reputation, or property. The invasion of any legally protected interest of another. Restatement, Second, Torts, No. 7. Absolute injuries. Injuries to those rights which a person… …   Black's law dictionary

  • injury — Any wrong or damage done to another, either in his person, rights, reputation, or property. The invasion of any legally protected interest of another. Restatement, Second, Torts, No. 7. Absolute injuries. Injuries to those rights which a person… …   Black's law dictionary

  • injury — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ appalling (esp. BrE), bad, catastrophic, devastating, horrendous, major, nasty, serious, severe, terrible …   Collocations dictionary

  • permanent — Continuing or enduring in the same state, status, place, or the like, without fundamental or marked change, not subject to fluctuation, or alteration, fixed or intended to be fixed; lasting; abiding; stable; not temporary or transient. Hiatt v.… …   Black's law dictionary

  • Permanent employment — Permanent employees or regular employees work for a single employer and are paid directly by that employer. In addition to their wages, they often receive benefits like subsidized health care, paid vacations, holidays, sick time, or contributions …   Wikipedia

  • permanent damages — Literally, lasting injury to person or property. Technically, injury to real estate which is permanent in character, so that all the damages, whether present, past, or prospective must be recovered in a single action. 22 Am J2d Damg § 28 …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • permanent — adj. VERBS ▪ be, prove, seem ▪ become ▪ make sth ▪ We decided to make the arrangement permanent. ADVERB …   Collocations dictionary

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