
pe·ti·tion 1 n
1: a formal written request made to an official person or body (as a court or board)
a petition for equitable relief
the creditor filed a petition for involuntary bankruptcy
2: a document embodying a formal written request
petition 2 vt: to direct a petition to
petition the court
vi: to make a petition
petition for relief
pe·ti·tion·er n

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I noun adjuration, application, bid, call for aid, demand, earnest request, entreaty, formal writing embodying a request, formal written plea, formal written request, invocation, libellus, motion, plea, prayer, request, request for relief, requisition, solemn request, written application for relief associated concepts: affidavit, cross-petition, ex parte petition, filing of petition, order dismissing a petition, petition for a name change, petition for divorce, verified petition, voluntary petition in bankruptcy II verb adjure, advocate, appeal for, apply for, apply to, ask for, beseech, bid, call upon, clamor for, entreat, entreat earnestly, file for, formally urge, implorare, implore, make a requisition, make application, make demands, make written application, obtest, petere, plead, pray for, prefer a request to, request, requisition, rogare, seek, solemnly request, solicit, urge associated concepts: petition for a rehearing, petition for a writ of certiorari, petition for a writ of mandamus, petition for a writ of prohibition, petition for redress, petition for removal, petition for review III index appeal, application, apply (request), bill (formal declaration), call (appeal), call (appeal to), canvass, claim (demand), complaint, cross-examine, entreaty, importune, invitation, motion, move (judicially request), plead (implore), pray, prayer, press (beseech), request (noun), request (verb), requisition, solicit, sue, suit

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

(1) A formal written request presented to some authority asking that something be done, often signed by a large number of people who express their support for the proposed action; a formal written request to a court asking it to take some judicial action.
(2) In a court of equity, an application to the court asking for relief on some matter that functions as a complaint does in a court of law; in most jurisdictions today, the term “complaint” is used instead of petition.
To bring a petition.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

1) A formal request for something, submitted to an authority such as a court or a government agency. For example, the party who loses a court case might petition to appeal.
2) Making a formal request of a court or presenting a written request to an organization's governing body signed by one or more members.
Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

n. A formal written request for something to be done or not to be done, delivered to a court or other official body.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

A written application from a person or persons to some governing body or public official asking that some authority be exercised to grant relief, favors, or privileges.
A formal application made to a court in writing that requests action on a certain matter.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

A written application from a person or persons to some governing body or public official asking that some authority be exercised to grant relief, favors, or privileges.
A formal application made to a court in writing that requests action on a certain matter.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

   1) n. a formal written request to a court for an order of the court. It is distinguished from a complaint in a lawsuit which asks for damages and/or performance by the opposing party. Petitions include demands for writs, orders to show cause, modifications of prior orders, continuances, dismissal of a case, reduction of bail in criminal cases, a decree of distribution of an estate, appointment of a guardian, and a host of other matters arising in legal actions.
   2) n. a general term for a writing signed by a number of people asking for a particular result from a private governing body (such as a homeowners association, a political party, or a club).
   3) in public law, a writing signed by a number of people which is required to place a proposition or ordinance on the ballot, nominate a person for public office, or demand a recall election. Such petitions for official action must be signed by a specified number of registered voters (such as five percent).
   4) v. to make a formal request of a court; to present a written request to an organization's governing body signed by one or more members.
   5) n. a suit for divorce in some states, in which the parties are called petitioner and respondent.
   See also: divorce, motion, writ

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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