conventions of society

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  • SOCIETY FOR THE ATTAINMENT OF FULL CIVIL RIGHTS FOR THE JEWISH PEOPLE IN RUSSIA — (Rus. Soyuz dlya dostizheniya polnopraviya yevreyskogo naroda v Rossii ), a non party organization which existed from 1905 to 1907, whose aim was declared in its name. The society organized the participation of Jews in the elections of the First… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour — The Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour or SSAISB or AISB is a nonprofit, scientific society devoted to advancing the scientific understanding of the mechanisms underlying thought and intelligent… …   Wikipedia

  • Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America — Die Barbershop Harmony Society oder Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America („Gesellschaft zur Bewahrung und zur Ermutigung zum Barber Shop Quartettgesang in Amerika”) ist die weltgrößte… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Society of Ancients — The Society of Ancients ( SoA) is an international, non profit organization based in the UK that aims to promote interest in Ancient Medieval history and wargaming, covering the periods from 3000BC to 1500AD.The Society publishes a bi monthly… …   Wikipedia

  • Society of Broadcast Engineers — The Society of Broadcast Engineers or SBE is a professional organization for engineers in broadcast radio and television. The SBE also offers certification in various radio frequency and audio technology areas for its members. History The Society …   Wikipedia

  • Society for American Baseball Research — SABR redirects here. For other uses, see SABR (disambiguation). The Society for American Baseball Research was established in Cooperstown, New York, in August 1971 by Bob Davids of Washington, D.C. The Society s mission is to foster the research… …   Wikipedia

  • Conventions Employed in Dictionary —   Hyphenated epithets have been written as single words, unless this would be contrary to the provisions of the Code.   It should be noted that in Latin texts, plant names are declined to satisfy the rules of grammar for that language and so may… …   Etymological dictionary of grasses

  • Computer Society of India — Established 1965 Type Professional Society President Mr. M D Agrawal Location …   Wikipedia

  • Magic conventions — are gatherings of professional magicians, magical hobbyists, dealers, collectors of magical apparatus, books and ephemera, and other students of the art of magic. They provide a place for lectures of subjects related to the craft, as well as a… …   Wikipedia

  • Organ Historical Society — The Organ Historical Society is an international organization primarily composed of pipe organ enthusiasts and those who enjoy its music, and professional restorers. The main activities of the Society include promoting an active interest in the… …   Wikipedia

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