Preference — (also called taste or penchant ) is a concept, used in the social sciences, particularly economics. It assumes a real or imagined choice between alternatives and the possibility of rank ordering of these alternatives, based on happiness,… … Wikipedia
Relative Synonymous Codon Usage — Biais d usage du code Le biais d usage du code (RSCU, pour Relative Synonymous Codon Usage en anglais) désigne l utilisation préférentielle d un des triplets de nucléotides ou codons possibles pour coder un acide aminé. En effet, il existe en… … Wikipédia en Français
Time preference — In economics, time preference (or discounting ) pertains to how large a premium a consumer will place on enjoyment nearer in time over more remote enjoyment.There is no absolute distinction that separates high and low time preference, only… … Wikipedia
Unfair preference — In many legal systems, where a person or company transfers assets or pays a debt to a creditor shortly before going into bankruptcy, that payment or transfer can be set aside on the application of the liquidator or trustee in bankruptcy as an… … Wikipedia
Nearest relative — The nearest relative is a designated relationship defined in the legislation of England and Wales through the Mental Health Act 1983, as amended by the Mental Health Act 2007[1]. It is the duty of the Approved Mental Health Professional to… … Wikipedia
Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution — TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) ist eine Technik zur Lösung von Entscheidungsproblemen und zur Effizienz Analyse aus dem Bereich der Unternehmensforschung (Operations Research). Ziel dieser Technik ist es… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Charte européenne relative aux langues régionales — Charte européenne des langues régionales ou minoritaires La Charte européenne des langues régionales ou minoritaires fut adoptée avec la convention européenne (ETS 148) de 1992 sous les auspices du Conseil de l Europe pour protéger et pour… … Wikipédia en Français
Behavioral momentum — is a theory in Quantitative Analysis of Behavior and is a comparative metaphor based on physical momentum. It describes the general relation between resistance to change (persistence of behavior) and the rate of reinforcement obtained in a given… … Wikipedia
Life Sciences — ▪ 2009 Introduction Zoology In 2008 several zoological studies provided new insights into how species life history traits (such as the timing of reproduction or the length of life of adult individuals) are derived in part as responses to… … Universalium
Système électoral — Politique Idées politiques Science politique Philosophie politique Sociologie politique Campagne politique Mode de désignation du chef d État et du Parlement par pays l Union européenne l ONU Démocratie Démocratie directe Démocr … Wikipédia en Français