dedicate oneself to
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dedicate — 1 (foll. by to) devote (esp. oneself) to a special task or purpose. 2 (foll. by to) address (a book, piece of music, etc.) as a compliment to a friend, patron, etc. 3 (often foll. by to) devote (a building etc.) to a deity or a sacred… … Useful english dictionary
devote oneself to — dedicate oneself to, put all one s energy into … English contemporary dictionary
dedicate — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. t. devote, consecrate; inscribe. See use, repute. II (Roget s IV) v. 1. [To consecrate] Syn. sanctify, hallow, anoint; see bless 3 . 2. [To set apart for special use] Syn. devote, apply, give,… … English dictionary for students
dedicate — v 1. devote, bless, hallow, sanctify, consecrate, make holy, deify, apotheosize, enshrine; set apart, signalize; (of oneself) give, offer, surrender. 2. inscribe, preface, address, name … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
apply oneself — (Roget s IV) v. Syn. attend to, dedicate oneself, devote oneself, address oneself, be occupied with, keep one s mind on, direct oneself to, concentrate on, persevere in, persist in, give oneself wholly to, be industrious, work at, buckle down*,… … English dictionary for students
vow — vower, n. vowless, adj. /vow/, n. 1. a solemn promise, pledge, or personal commitment: marriage vows; a vow of secrecy. 2. a solemn promise made to a deity or saint committing oneself to an act, service, or condition. 3. a solemn or earnest… … Universalium
καθοσιωτέον — one must dedicate oneself masc acc sg καθοσιωτέον one must dedicate oneself neut nom/voc/acc sg … Greek morphological index (Ελληνική μορφολογικούς δείκτες)
buckle down — [v] concentrate on address, apply oneself, attend to, bend, dedicate oneself to, devote oneself to, exert oneself, give, give oneself over to, keep close to, keep one’s mind on, launch into, occupy oneself with, pitch in, set to, throw, turn;… … New thesaurus
specialize — I verb address oneself to, apply oneself, bound, concentrate on, concern oneself with, dedicate oneself to, devote oneself to, focus attention on, give attention to, limit, narrow, practice exclusively, pursue, qualify, restrict, select, take up … Law dictionary
give one's life — 1) he would give his life for her Syn: die for, lay down one s life for, sacrifice oneself for, offer one s life for, die to save 2) he gave his life to the company Syn: dedicate oneself, devote oneself, give oneself, surrender oneself … Thesaurus of popular words