deliberate intent
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deliberate — de·lib·er·ate 1 /di li bə ˌrāt/ vb at·ed, at·ing vi: to think about and weigh or discuss issues and decisions carefully the jury retired to deliberate vt: to think about or evaluate de·lib·er·ate 2 /di li bə rət/ adj … Law dictionary
Intent (military) — See also: Intent (law), Intention (criminal law), and Intention Intent is a key capability in 21st century military operations and is a vital element to facilitate subordinates initiative (U.S Army 2003, para.1 69)[1], self synchronisation… … Wikipedia
deliberate self-harm — any attempt at self injury or self poisoning, which often occurs in the context of acute stress, personality disorder, depression, and alcoholism. Treatment consists of various forms of psychotherapy, a psychosocial assessment, and occasionally… … The new mediacal dictionary
Penal Code (Singapore) — The Penal Code of Singapore [Singapore Statute | c ed = 1985] sets out general principles of the criminal law of Singapore, as well as the elements and penalties of common criminal offences such as homicide, theft and cheating. The Penal Code… … Wikipedia
premeditation — pre·med·i·ta·tion /pri ˌme də tā shən/ n: an act or instance of premeditating; specif: consideration or planning of an act beforehand designed so that it requires premeditation to tamper with it murder in the first degree is the killing of a… … Law dictionary
dupe — vb Dupe, gull, befool, trick, hoax, hoodwink, bamboozle mean to delude a person by underhand means or for one s own ends. Dupe suggests unwariness or unsuspiciousness on the part of the person or persons deluded and the acceptance of what is… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Lasers and aviation safety — Under certain conditions, laser light or other bright lights (spotlights, searchlights) directed at aircraft can be a hazard. The most likely scenario is when a bright visible laser light causes distraction or temporary flash blindness to a pilot … Wikipedia
murder — mur·der 1 / mər dər/ n [partly from Old English morthor; partly from Old French murdre, of Germanic origin]: the crime of unlawfully and unjustifiably killing another under circumstances defined by statute (as with premeditation); esp: such a… … Law dictionary
Esther Hicks — Esther and Jerry Hicks in 2007 Born March 5th 1948 Residence San Antonio, Texas Other names … Wikipedia
Хаттон, Тимоти — Тимоти Хаттон Timothy Hutton … Википедия