deliberate study
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deliberate — de·lib·er·ate 1 /di li bə ˌrāt/ vb at·ed, at·ing vi: to think about and weigh or discuss issues and decisions carefully the jury retired to deliberate vt: to think about or evaluate de·lib·er·ate 2 /di li bə rət/ adj … Law dictionary
deliberate — adj 1 willful, intentional, *voluntary, willing Analogous words: purposed, intended (see INTEND): conscious, cognizant, *aware: mortal, *deadly Antonyms: impulsive Contrasted words: inadvertent, * … New Dictionary of Synonyms
study — ► NOUN (pl. studies) 1) the devotion of time and attention to acquiring knowledge. 2) a detailed investigation and analysis of a subject or situation. 3) a room for reading, writing, or academic work. 4) a piece of work done for practice or as an … English terms dictionary
deliberate — [adj] intentional advised, aforethought, calculated, careful, cautious, coldblooded, conscious, considered, cut and dried*, designed, designful, done on purpose, express, fixed, intended, judged, meticulous, planned, pondered, prearranged,… … New thesaurus
study — [n] learning, analysis abstraction, academic work, analyzing, application, attention, class, cogitation, comparison, concentration, consideration, contemplation, course, cramming, debate, deliberation, examination, exercise, inquiry, inspection,… … New thesaurus
study — I verb acquire knowledge, analyze, apply the mind, attend, audit, cerebrate, consider, contemplate, devote oneself to, dissect, do research, educate oneself, examine, excogitate, explore, eye, incumbere, inquire into, inspect, intellectualize,… … Law dictionary
study — Synonyms and related words: Nachtmusik, Pap test, Walter Mitty, absence of mind, absolute music, absorbed attention, absorption, abstractedness, abstraction, academic discipline, academic specialty, adaptation, advisement, aim, air, air varie,… … Moby Thesaurus
Deliberate Force — Operation Deliberate Force Teil von: Bosnienkrieg US Air Force F 16C Fighting Falcon während der Operation … Deutsch Wikipedia
study — studiable, adj. studier, n. /stud ee/, n., pl. studies, v., studied, studying. n. 1. application of the mind to the acquisition of knowledge, as by reading, investigation, or reflection: long hours of study. 2. the cultivation of a particular… … Universalium
study — n. & v. n. (pl. ies) 1 the devotion of time and attention to acquiring information or knowledge, esp. from books. 2 (in pl.) the pursuit of academic knowledge (continued their studies abroad). 3 a room used for reading, writing, etc. 4 a piece of … Useful english dictionary