deny access

deny access
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  • access — n. 1) to gain, get access 2) to deny access 3) direct; easy, free, unlimited; limited access 4) (computers) random access 5) access to (we gained/got access to the files; access to a building) * * * [ ækses] easy free get access …   Combinatory dictionary

  • deny — de|ny W2S2 [dıˈnaı] v past tense and past participle denied present participle denying third person singular denies [T] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(say something is not true)¦ 2¦(not allow)¦ 3 there s no denying (that/something) 4¦(feelings)¦ 5 deny yourself… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • deny — denyingly, adv. /di nuy /, v.t., denied, denying. 1. to state that (something declared or believed to be true) is not true: to deny an accusation. 2. to refuse to agree or accede to: to deny a petition. 3. to withhold the possession, use, or… …   Universalium

  • deny — de•ny [[t]dɪˈnaɪ[/t]] v. t. nied, ny•ing 1) to state that (something declared) is not true: to deny an accusation[/ex] 2) to refuse to agree or accede to: to deny a petition[/ex] 3) to withhold the possession, use, or enjoyment of: to deny access …   From formal English to slang

  • Access control — is the ability to permit or deny the use of a particular resource by a particular entity. Access control mechanisms can be used in managing physical resources (such as a movie theater, to which only ticketholders should be admitted), logical… …   Wikipedia

  • deny — [dē nī′, dinī′] vt. denied, denying [ME denien < OFr denier < L denegare < de , intens. + negare, to deny: see NEGATION] 1. to declare (a statement) untrue; contradict 2. to refuse to accept as true or right; reject as unfounded, unreal …   English World dictionary

  • Access rights — can refer to: *Access to Information Act, a Canadian act that allows public access to government information *Disability rights movement, disabled access to public and private locations is a key issue *Access control, the ability to permit or… …   Wikipedia

  • deny — verb 1 say sth is not true ADVERB ▪ adamantly, emphatically, fiercely, firmly, hotly, steadfastly (esp. AmE), strenuously, strongly, vehemently, vigorou …   Collocations dictionary

  • access — ▪ I. access ac‧cess 1 [ˈækses] noun [uncountable] 1. MARKETING the right to sell goods to a particular market or country without breaking any laws or agreements: access to • Japan agreed to allow foreign manufacturers of satellite equipment equal …   Financial and business terms

  • deny — [[t]dɪna͟ɪ[/t]] ♦♦ denies, denying, denied 1) VERB When you deny something, you state that it is not true. [V n] She denied both accusations... [V that] The government has denied that the authorities have uncovered a plot to assassinate the… …   English dictionary

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