descend to particulars

descend to particulars
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Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • descend — descendingly, adv. /di send /, v.i. 1. to go or pass from a higher to a lower place; move or come down: to descend from the mountaintop. 2. to pass from higher to lower in any scale or series. 3. to go from generals to particulars, as in a… …   Universalium

  • descend — de•scend [[t]dɪˈsɛnd[/t]] v. i. 1) to go or pass from a higher to a lower place; move or come down: to descend from the mountaintop[/ex] 2) to pass from higher to lower in any scale or series 3) to go from generals to particulars, as in a… …   From formal English to slang

  • descend — /dəˈsɛnd / (say duh send) verb (i) 1. to move or pass from a higher to a lower place; go or come down; fall; sink. 2. to pass from higher to lower in any scale. 3. to go from generals to particulars. 4. to slope or tend downward. 5. to come down… …  

  • Supposition theory — was a branch of medieval logic that was probably aimed at giving accounts of issues similar to modern accounts of reference, plurality, tense, and modality, from within an Aristotelian context. Philosophers such as John Buridan, William of Ockham …   Wikipedia

  • Speciality — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Speciality >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 1 =>{opp,78,} speciality specialite Sgm: N 1 individuality individuality individuity| Sgm: N 1 particularity particularity peculiarity Sgm: N 1 idiocrasy idiocrasy …   English dictionary for students

  • Description — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Description >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 description description account statement report Sgm: N 1 expose expose &c.(disclosure) 529 specification particulars Sgm: N 1 state of facts state of facts summary o …   English dictionary for students

  • detail — Synonyms and related words: KP, accredit, accuracy, add up, adduce, adjunct, age group, allocate, allot, amplify, anatomize, appoint, appropriate to, appurtenance, army, army group, article, aspect, assign, assign to, atomize, attention to detail …   Moby Thesaurus

  • anatomize — Synonyms and related words: adduce, analyze, assay, atomize, break down, break up, change, chop logic, circumstantiate, cite, decompose, descend to particulars, desynonymize, detail, difference, differentiate, discriminate, disequalize, disjoin,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • atomize — Synonyms and related words: ablate, abrade, accelerate, activate, adduce, aerate, aerify, analyze, anatomize, beat, bombard, bray, break into pieces, break to pieces, break up, brecciate, carbonate, change, chlorinate, chop logic, circumstantiate …   Moby Thesaurus

  • circumstantiate — Synonyms and related words: adduce, affirm, anatomize, atomize, attest, authenticate, back, back up, bear out, bolster, buttress, certify, cite, confirm, corroborate, descend to particulars, detail, document, enter into detail, fortify, give full …   Moby Thesaurus

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