
at·tor·ney /ə-'tər-nē/ n pl -neys [Anglo-French atorné legal representative, from past participle of atorner to designate, appoint, from Old French, to prepare, arrange see attorn]: a person authorized to act on another's behalf; esp: lawyer see also attorney-in-fact compare counsel

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I noun advocate, attorney-at-law, barrister, counsel, counselor, counselor-at-law, jurisconsult, jurisprudent, jurist, lawyer, learned counsel, legal adviser, legal practitioner, legist, member of the bar, officer of the court, pleader, practitioner, procurator, publicist, solicitor associated concepts: attorney of record, staff attorney foreign phrases:
- Consilia multorum quaeruntur in magnis. — The advice of many is required in affairs of magnitude
II index advocate (counselor), barrister, counsel, counselor, esquire, jurist, lawyer, practitioner, spokesman

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

A lawyer; more generally, an agent appointed to act for another person.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

1) An agent or someone authorized to act for another.
2) A person authorized to practice law by a state following a bar examination and the meeting of other qualifying requirements.
Category: Bankruptcy, Foreclosure & Debt
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Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

A person appointed by another to act on his behalf and in his name.
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Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. . 2010.

n. Lawyer; one who dispenses legal advice to clients and advocates for them.
@ attorney in fact
One who is the agent or representative of another and is authorized, pursuant to a power of attorney
, to act on their behalf.
@ attorney at law
1 One who is specially trained and licensed by a state to practice law.
2 One whose profession is to provide advice or to act or represent others in legal matters.
@ attorney of record
The attorney at law or the law firm designated in a court's records as representing a particular party in a particular action. As long as a party is represented by an attorney of record, all documents, correspondence, and other communications that are intended for that party, whether from the court or the other parties in the action, must go instead to the attorney of record.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

A person admitted to practice law in at least one jurisdiction and authorized to perform criminal and civil legal functions on behalf of clients. These functions include providing legal counsel, drafting legal documents, and representing clients before courts, administrative agencies, and other tribunals.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

A person admitted to practice law in at least one jurisdiction and authorized to perform criminal and civil legal functions on behalf of clients. These functions include providing legal counsel, drafting legal documents, and representing clients before courts, administrative agencies, and other tribunals.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

   1) an agent or someone authorized to act for another.
   2) a person who has been qualified by a state or federal court to provide legal services, including appearing in court. Each state has a bar examination which is a qualifying test to practice law. The examinations vary in difficulty, but cannot be taken until the applicant is a graduate of an accredited law school (with a three-year minimum course of study) or in seven states has fulfilled extensive other training. Passage of the bar examination qualifies the attorney for that state only and for the federal courts located in that state (and other federal courts upon request). Some states will accept attorneys from other states, but many will not grant this "reciprocity" and require at least a basic test for out-of-state attorneys. Attorneys from other states may practice in a limited way, but cannot appear (except on a single case with court permission) in state courts (but in federal courts). Graduation from law school does not make one an attorney. There are also patent attorneys who can practice in federal patent courts only and have both legal and engineering training. Most patent attorneys today are regular attorneys who specialize.
   See also: court, reciprocity

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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