
I noun animosity, antagonism, argumentation, bickering, clashing, conflict, contention, controversy, difference, disaccord, disaccordance, disagreement, discongruity, discordance, discordia, discrepancy, disharmony, disparity, dispute, dissensio, dissension, dissent, dissentience, dissidence, dissidium, dissimilarity, dissonance, disunion, disunity, divergent opinions, diversity, division, divisiveness, enmity, faction, failure to agree, friction, hostility, ill feeling, ill will, incompatibility, incongruence, incongruity, lack of concord, nonagreement, opposition, quarreling, schism, split, strained relations, strife, unharmoniousness, variance, wrangling II index anarchy, argument (contention), belligerency, collision (dispute), conflict, confrontation (altercation), confusion (turmoil), contend (dispute), contention (argument), contention (opposition), contest (dispute), contradiction, contravention, controversy (argument), deviation, difference, disaccord, disagree, disagreement, discrepancy, disparity, dispute, dissension, dissent (difference of opinion), dissidence, division (act of dividing), estrangement, faction, feud, fight (argument), fracas, impugnation, incompatibility (difference), incompatibility (inconsistency), inconsistency, noise, schism, strife, trouble, turmoil, umbrage, variance (disagreement)

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  • discord — 1. (di skor ; le d ne se lie jamais : un di skor éclatant ; au pluriel, l s ne se lie pas : des di skor éclatants ; cependant quelques uns la lient : des di skor z éclatants) s. m. 1°   État de ceux qui ne s accordent pas. •   Qui sache, en… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Discord — Dis cord , n. [OE. discord, descord, OF. discorde, descorde, F. discorde, from L. discordia, fr. discors, cordis, discordant, disagreeable; dis + cor, cordis, heart; cf. F. discord, n., and OF. descorder, discorder, F. discorder, to discord, L.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • discord — n Discord, strife, conflict, contention, dissension, difference, variance mean a state or condition marked by disagreement and lack of harmony or the acts or circumstances which manifest such a state or condition. Discord implies not only a want… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Discord — may refer to: Dissonance (music) Discord may also refer to: Discord (album), an album and single released by the punk rock band Bomb Factory Dischord Records, a punk and alternative record label Discordia, a Roman goddess equivalent to the Greek… …   Wikipedia

  • discord — DISCÓRD, Ă adj. Care nu este acordat, discordat. ♦ Care nu are armonie, nearmonios. [< fr. discord]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 22.02.2005. Sursa: DN  DISCÓRD s.n. Poezie lirică medievală de origine provensală, cu o structură neregulată prin… …   Dicționar Român

  • discord — Discord, m. acut. Dissension, Discordia. Dont il est fait. Qui engendre discord, Discordialis. Mettre en discord, Seditionem concitare, Dissidium serere. Il y a grand discord entre eux, Grauiter dissentiunt inter se, Dissident …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • Discord — Dis*cord , v. i. [OE. discorden, descorden, from the French. See {Discord}, n.] To disagree; to be discordant; to jar; to clash; not to suit. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] The one discording with the other. Bacon. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • discord — [n1] conflict, disagreement animosity, antagonism, antipathy, clash, clashing, collision, contention, difference, disaccord, discordance, discrepancy, disharmony, dispute, dissension, dissent, dissidence, dissonance, disunion, disunity, division …   New thesaurus

  • discord — [dis′kôrd΄; ] for v., usually [ dis kôrd′] n. [ME < OFr descorde < L discordia < discors (gen. discordis), discordant < dis , apart + cor, HEART] 1. lack of concord; disagreement; dissension; conflict 2. a harsh or confused noise, as… …   English World dictionary

  • Discord — Discord, Cap an der Ostküste von Grönland …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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