
I noun abhorrence, abomination, animosity, animus, antagonism, antipathy, aversion, contempt, detestation, disaffection, disapprobation, disapproval, discomfort, disdain, disfavor, disgust, disinclination, disparagement, displeasure, dissatisfaction, distaste, enmity, hatred, hostility, ill will, incompatibility, inimicality, intolerance, loathing, malevolence, malice, objection, odium, prejudice, rancor, rejection, reluctance, renitence, repugnance, repulsion, revulsion, umbrage, unfriendliness, unwillingness II verb abhor, abominate, antipathize, condemn, deprecate, detest, disapprove, discountenance, disesteem, disfavor, disrelish, distaste, execrate, loathe, mind, not care for, not like, object to, resent, scorn III index conflict (noun), conflict (verb), contempt (disdain), deprecate, disapprobation, disapproval, disapprove (condemn), disdain, disfavor, disparagement, dissatisfaction, exception (objection), hatred, ignominy, ill repute, ill will, incompatibility (difference), intolerance, malice, odium, outcry, phobia, rejection, reluctance, resent, umbrage

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  • dislike — dis*like , n. 1. A feeling of positive and usually permanent aversion to something unpleasant, uncongenial, or offensive; disapprobation; repugnance; displeasure; disfavor; the opposite of liking or fondness. [1913 Webster] God s grace . . .… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • dislike — n Dislike, distaste, aversion, disfavor mean the state of mind of one who is not drawn to or turns from or avoids a person or thing; often these terms imply the manifestation of the state of mind. Dislike normally suggests the finding of… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • dislike — verb. The normal construction is with an object, which can be a noun (We dislike modern art) or a verbal noun (They dislike being absent). It is non standard to follow dislike with a to infinitive, although this is sometimes found: • ☒ She was… …   Modern English usage

  • Dislike — Dis*like , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Disliked}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Disliking}.] 1. To regard with dislike or aversion; to disapprove; to disrelish. [1913 Webster] Every nation dislikes an impost. Johnson. [1913 Webster] 2. To awaken dislike in; to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • dislike — [n] antagonism, hatred toward something animosity, animus, antipathy, aversion, deprecation, detestation, disapprobation, disapproval, disesteem, disfavor, disgust, disinclination, displeasure, dissatisfaction, distaste, enmity, hostility,… …   New thesaurus

  • dislike — ► VERB ▪ feel distaste for or hostility towards. ► NOUN 1) a feeling of dislike. 2) a thing that is disliked. DERIVATIVES dislikable (also dislikeable) adjective …   English terms dictionary

  • dislike — (v.) 1540s (implied in disliking), hybrid which ousted native mislike as the opposite of LIKE (Cf. like). Related: Disliked; disliking. English in 16c. also had the excellent dislove hate, cease to love, but it did not survive …   Etymology dictionary

  • dislike — [dis līk′] vt. disliked, disliking to have a feeling of not liking; feel aversion to; have objections to n. 1. a feeling of not liking; distaste; aversion; antipathy 2. something disliked dislikable adj. dislikeable …   English World dictionary

  • dislike — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 feeling of not liking sb/sth ADJECTIVE ▪ deep, extreme, great, intense, real, strong, violent, visceral ▪ Several …   Collocations dictionary

  • Dislike — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Dislike >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 dislike dislike distaste disrelish disinclination displacency GRP: N 2 Sgm: N 2 reluctance reluctance Sgm: N 2 backwardness backwardness &c.(unwillingness) 603 …   English dictionary for students

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