- represent
rep·re·sent vt1: to substitute in some capacity for: act the part of, in place of, or for (as another person) usu. by legal right: asa: to serve esp. in a legislative body by delegated authority usu. resulting from an electionb: to provide legal representation to as a lawyerc: to act as the representative of in a class action2 a: to describe as having a specified character or qualityb: to give one's impression and judgment of: state in a manner intended to affect action or judgment
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam-Webster. 1996.
- represent
(portray) verb
adumbrate, characterize, connote, delineate, denote, depict, designate, evoke, exemplify, exprimere, illustrate, image, indicate, mean, outline, picture, show, signify, stand for, symbolize, typify
(substitute) verb
act, act as broker, act as delegate, act for, act in place of, act on behalf of, act vicariously, appear for, be ambassador for, be an agent for, be attorney for, be deputy for, be proxy for, be spokesman for, factor, replace, speak for, stand in the place of, take the part of
associated concepts: agency, represent a client's interests, represent a defendant, represent a principal
advise, bare, bear (adduce), characterize, comport (behave), connote, construe (comprehend), convey (communicate), copy, delineate, denote, depict, draw (depict), exemplify, illustrate, impersonate, lobby, manifest, portray, purport, render (depict), replace, signify (denote), simulate, specify
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
- represent
v.(1) To act or speak on someone’s behalf.(2) To allege or claim that something is the case; to make a statement that allows the listener to form a judgment.n.representation See also misrepresent
The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008.
- represent
1) To act as the agent for another.2) To serve — for example, as a member of a legislative body after an election.3) To act as a client's attorney.4) To state something as a fact, such as "This horse is only four years old."Category: Accidents & InjuriesCategory: Criminal LawCategory: Representing Yourself in CourtCategory: Small Claims Court & LawsuitsCategory: Small Claims CourtCategory: Working With a Lawyer
Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. Gerald N. Hill, Kathleen Thompson Hill. 2009.
- represent
To exhibit or expose; to appear in the character of.
Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.
- represent
To exhibit or expose; to appear in the character of.
Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.
- represent
v.1) to act as the agent for another.2) to act as a client's attorney.3) to state something as a fact, such as "I tell you this horse is only four years old."4) to allege a fact in court, as "I represent to the court that we will present six witnesses," "We represent that this is the final contract between the parties."See also: representation
Law dictionary. EdwART. 2013.