draw the veil

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  • draw a veil over something — formal phrase to avoid talking about something because it is embarrassing or unpleasant Both sides sought to draw a veil over the argument. Thesaurus: to pretend something is not happening or is not the casesynonym Main entry: veil …   Useful english dictionary

  • draw a veil over something — draw a veil over (something) 1. to hide something. Dense fog drew a veil over the landscape. 2. to avoid talking about something. I think we should draw a veil over this conversation and pretend it never happened. Related vocabulary: keep… …   New idioms dictionary

  • draw a veil over — (something) 1. to hide something. Dense fog drew a veil over the landscape. 2. to avoid talking about something. I think we should draw a veil over this conversation and pretend it never happened. Related vocabulary: keep something under wraps …   New idioms dictionary

  • draw a veil over something — formal to avoid talking about something because it is embarrassing or unpleasant Both sides sought to draw a veil over the argument …   English dictionary

  • veil — ► NOUN 1) a piece of fine material worn to protect or conceal the face. 2) a piece of fabric forming part of a nun s headdress, resting on the head and shoulders. 3) a thing that conceals, disguises, or obscures. ► VERB 1) cover with or as if… …   English terms dictionary

  • The Passion of Christ —     The Passion of Christ (Devotion)     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Devotion to the Passion of Christ     See also THE PASSION OF CHRIST IN THE GOSPELS.     The sufferings of Our Lord, which culminated in His death upon the cross, seem to have… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • The Rite of Constantinople (Byzantine Rite) —     The Rite of Constantinople     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Rite of Constantinople     (Also BYZANTINE RITE.)     The Liturgies, Divine Office, forms for the administration of sacraments and for various blessings, sacramentals, and exorcisms …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • The Carrion Fields — is a multi user dungeon created by Yuval Oren (Derit), Matt Hamby (Rahvin/ShaidarHaran/BoltThrower) and Barbara Hargrove (Galadriel/Nordewin) in January 1994. Based on ROM 2.3, it first opened to the public on March 17th, 1994. The past thirteen… …   Wikipedia

  • The Celtic Rite —     The Celtic Rite     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Celtic Rite     This subject will be treated under the following seven heads:     I. History and Origin; II. Manuscript Sources; III. The Divine Office; IV. The Mass; V. the Baptismal Service; …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • The Love of Don Perlimplín and Belisa in the Garden (play) — The Love of Don Perlimplín and Belisa in the Garden ( Amor de Don Perlimplín con Belisa en su jardín ) is a play by the twentieth century Spanish dramatist Federico García Lorca. It was written in 1928 and first performed in 1933.The play tells… …   Wikipedia

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