- duplicate
du·pli·cate 1 /'dü-pli-ˌkāt, 'dyü-/ vt -cat·ed, -cat·ing: to make a duplicate ofdu·pli·ca·tive /-ˌkā-tiv/ adjdu·pli·cate 2 /'dü-pli-kət, 'dyü-/ n: either of two things exactly alike and often produced at the same time; specif: a counterpart identified in the Federal Rules of Evidence Rule 1001 as produced by the same impression as the original or from the same matrix or by means of photography, mechanical, or electronic rerecording, chemical reproduction, or another technique which accurately reproduces the original compare original
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam-Webster. 1996.
- duplicate
carbon, carbon copy, copy, ditto, double, ectype, exemplar, exemption, facsimile, gemination, imitation, likeness, match, photostat, reenactment, repetition, replica, representation, reproduction, twin
associated concepts: duplicate copy, duplicate original
copy (noun), copy (verb), correlate, counterpart (parallel), expendable, facsimile, identical, mock (imitate), plagiarize, quote, reconstruct, recreate, reflection (image), reiterate, repeat (do again), replace, reproduce, same, superfluous, trace (delineate)
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006