
I noun age, continuance, continuance in time, continuation in time, course, epoch, era, extension in time, extent, interregnum, interval, lasting period, length of time, limit, period, period of time, phase, season, space of time, span, spell, stage, stretch, temporis spatium, tenancy, tenure, term, time, while associated concepts: duration of any office, duration of contract, duration of emergency, duration of liability, duration of possession, duration of use, duration of war II index life (period of existence), longevity, period, phase (period), survival, tenure, time

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  • Duration — may refer to: The measure of continuance of any object or event within Time Duration (music) an amount of time or a particular time interval, often cited as one of the fundamental aspects of music Duration (philosophy) a theory of time and… …   Wikipedia

  • Duration — Du*ra tion, n. [OF. duration. See {Dure}.] The state or quality of lasting; continuance in time; the portion of time during which anything exists. [1913 Webster] It was proposed that the duration of Parliament should be limited. Macaulay. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • duration — late 14c., from O.Fr. duration, from M.L. durationem (nom. duratio), noun of action from pp. stem of L. durare harden (see ENDURE (Cf. endure)). Old legalese phrase for the duration popularized 1916 in reference to British enlistments in World… …   Etymology dictionary

  • duration — ► NOUN ▪ the time during which something continues. ● for the duration Cf. ↑for the duration DERIVATIVES durational adjective. ORIGIN Latin, from durare to last …   English terms dictionary

  • Duration — (v. lat.), Abhärtung, Verhärtung …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Duration — (neulat.), Verhärtung …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • duration — [n] length of action, event continuance, continuation, continuity, endurance, extent, period, perpetuation, persistence, prolongation, run, span, spell, stretch, term, tide, time; concept 804 …   New thesaurus

  • duration — [doo rā′shən, dyoorā′shən] n. [ME duracioun < ML duratio < pp. of L durare: see DURABLE] 1. continuance in time 2. the time that a thing continues or lasts …   English World dictionary

  • Duration — Die Duration ist eine Sensitivitätskennzahl, die die durchschnittliche Kapitalbindungsdauer einer Geldanlage in einem festverzinslichen Wertpapier bezeichnet. Genauer genommen und allgemein formuliert ist die Duration der gewichtete Mittelwert… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • duration — 01. You must stay in your seats for the [duration] of the test. 02. His injury in the second game put him out for the [duration] of the season. 03. After arguing with her new husband on the airplane to Hawaii, the young bride remained silent for… …   Grammatical examples in English

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