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  • Effigies — Ef*fig i*es, n. [L.] See {Effigy}. Dryden. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Effigĭes — (lat.), 1) Bild, Bildniß; 2) Titel großer Sammlungen von Porträts od. anderen Abbildungen …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Effigĭes — (lat.), Bildnis, Bild; daher die Redensart: einen in effigie, d.h. im Bildnis, aufhängen …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Effigies — Effigies, lat., Abbildung, Bildniß; in effigie, im Bildniß …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • EFFIGIES — aupd Gentiles, primo Deorum, inde Hominum, solebant exprimi, sed non Plin. l. 34. c. 4. nisi aliquâ illustri causâ, perpeturtatem merentium, primo sacrorum certaminum victoriâ, maximaeque Olympiae: ubi omnium, qui vicissent, statuas dicari mos… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Effigies — The Effigies The Effigies The Effigies est un groupe de punk rock formé en 1980 à Chicago[1]. Resté relativement méconnu, le groupe est toutefois l un des premiers à s imposer en refus de l institutionalisation du punk …   Wikipédia en Français

  • effigies —    These appear in a number of English customs, rarely being treated with respect, and nearly always ending up being burnt. The best known in modern times are concerned with *November the Fifth, ranging from the home made domestic guy to the… …   A Dictionary of English folklore

  • Effigies — Effigy Ef fi*gy, n.; pl. {Effigies}. [L. effigies, fr. effingere to form, fashion; ex + fingere to form, shape, devise. See {Feign}.] The image, likeness, or representation of a person, whether a full figure, or a part; an imitative figure;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Effigies — Ef|fi|gi|es [...gi̯e:s] die; <aus gleichbed. lat. effigies zu effingere »abbilden; darstellen, veranschaulichen«> (veraltet) Bild, Bildnis, Abbildung; vgl. ↑in effigie …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • effigies — ə̇ˈfijēˌēz, eˈ , jēz noun (plural effigies) Etymology: Latin : effigy …   Useful english dictionary

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