- review
re·view 1 /ri-'vyü/ n: a judicial reexamination and reconsideration of the legality or constitutionality of something (as the proceedings of a lower tribunal or a legislative enactment or governmental action) see also judicial reviewreview 2 vt: to reexamine judiciallyre·view·abil·i·ty /-ˌvyü-ə-'bi-lə-tē/ nre·view·able /ri-'vyü-ə-bəl/ adj
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam-Webster. 1996.
- review
(critical evaluation) noun
account, analysis, appraisal, comment, commentary, critical article, critical discussion, criticism, critique, editorial, essay, exposition, report
associated concepts: law review
(official reexamination) noun
investigation, judicial reconsideration, recapitulation, reconsideration, reinquiry, scrutiny, second examination, study, survey
associated concepts: administrative review, judicial review, scope of review
abstract, analyze, brood over, check thoroughly, comment upon, contemplan, criticize, critique, deliberate, describe, digest, epitomize, examine, explain, go over, inspect, inspicere, interpret, investigate, look over, make corrections, make improvements, mull over, notice critically, overlook, recapitulate, recheck, reconsider, reexamine, rehearse, reiterate, remember, restate briefly, retell, retrace, revise, reword, run over, scrutinize, skim, study, sum up, summarize, survey, view retrospectively, weigh
account (report), analysis, analyze, appeal (noun), appeal (verb), audit, canvass, capsule, censor, check (inspect), comment, compendium, consideration (contemplation), contemplation, criticism, criticize (evaluate), cross-questioning, deliberate, digest, diligence (care), discretion (power of choice), discuss, evaluate, examination (study), examine (study), frisk, habeas corpus, hindsight, hornbook, indagation, inquest, inspection, investigate, judge, judgment (discernment), monitor, muse, narration, notice (observe), observe (watch), overlook (superintend), peruse, ponder, probe (noun), probe (verb), recall (remember), recapitulate, recital, recollect, reconsider, reexamine, reiterate, remember, repeat (state again), report (detailed account), restatement, retrospect, revise, revision (process of correcting), scenario, scrutinize, scrutiny, study, summary, survey (examine), survey (poll), synopsis, test, trial (experiment)
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
- review
v.To examine and assess; for an appellate court to examine and reconsider a decision made by a lower court.n.review
The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008.
- review
The judicial consideration of a lower court judgment by an appellate court, determining if there were legal errors sufficient to require reversal. In reviewing a lower court decision or order, appellate courts focus on errors of a legal nature and will usually not disturb factual findings.Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits
Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. Gerald N. Hill, Kathleen Thompson Hill. 2009.
- review
In the context of employment law, a procedure whereby a party to a claim may apply to an employment tribunal to request that a decision that has been made previously is reviewed on certain specified grounds. If the application for a review is accepted then the chairman or tribunal that made the original decision, unless this is not practicable, shall review the decision.Related links
Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. www.practicallaw.com. 2010.
- review
n. A judicial reexamination of a court's proceedings, or a reconsideration by the same court of its earlier decision. The term is often used to describe an appellate court's examination of a lower court's proceeding.See also judicial review.
Webster's New World Law Dictionary. Susan Ellis Wild. 2000.
- review
To reexamine judicially or administratively; a judicial reconsideration for purposes of correction, for example, the examination of a case by an appellate court.
Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.
- review
To reexamine judicially or administratively; a judicial reconsideration for purposes of correction, for example, the examination of a case by an appellate court.
Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.
- review
n.the judicial consideration of a lower court judgment by an appellate court, determining if there were legal errors sufficient to require reversal. The process requires notice of appeal, obtaining a transcript of the trial or hearing at the trial level, obtaining all the pleadings and other documents filed in the original trial, preparation of briefs citing precedents and arguing that there was reversible error. Then the respondent (winner at the trial court) may file a responsive brief, and the appellant (the one appealing the decision) has the chance to file a brief in response to the respondent. The next step is oral argument (if allowed) before the appellate court. Appeals on procedural issues normally do not include oral argument. If the appellate court denies the appeal a rehearing may be requested but is seldom granted.
Law dictionary. EdwART. 2013.