
elec·tor·ate n: a body of people entitled to vote

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

index constituency

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • Electorate — E*lect or*ate, n. [Cf. F. [ e]lectorat.] 1. The territory, jurisdiction, or dignity of an elector, as in the old German empire. [1913 Webster] 2. The whole body of persons in a nation or state who are entitled to vote in an election, or any… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Electorate — may refer to: * All the people entitled to vote in an election. See constituency. * An electoral district, the geographic area of a particular election. * The dominion of an Elector in the Holy Roman Empire …   Wikipedia

  • electorate — 1670s, in reference to Germany, from ELECTOR (Cf. elector) + ATE (Cf. ate) (1). Meaning “whole body of voters” is from 1879 …   Etymology dictionary

  • electorate — ► NOUN 1) the body of people in a country or area who are entitled to vote in an election. 2) Austral./NZ the area represented by one Member of Parliament. 3) historical the office or territories of a German elector …   English terms dictionary

  • electorate — [ē lek′tər it, ilek tər it] n. [ML electoratus] 1. all those qualified to vote in an election 2. the rank or territory of an elector in the Holy Roman Empire …   English World dictionary

  • electorate — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ educated, informed ▪ apathetic, sceptical/skeptical ▪ divided, polarized ▪ general …   Collocations dictionary

  • electorate — noun a) The collective people of a country, state, or electoral district who are entitled to vote. The votes have been counted and the electorate has spoken. b) The geographic area encompassing an electoral district. The electorate of Finchley… …   Wiktionary

  • electorate — [[t]ɪle̱ktərət[/t]] electorates N COUNT COLL The electorate of a country or area is all the people in it who have the right to vote in an election. He has the backing of almost a quarter of the electorate. ...the Maltese electorate …   English dictionary

  • electorate — UK [ɪˈlekt(ə)rət] / US noun [countable, usually singular] Word forms electorate : singular electorate plural electorates all the people who are allowed to vote in an election a policy designed to appeal to all sections of the electorate …   English dictionary

  • electorate — e|lec|to|rate [ıˈlektərıt] n [singular] all the people in a country who have the right to vote ▪ A majority of the electorate oppose the law …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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