- right of way
right of way1: an easement or servitude over another's land conferring a right of passage2 a: the area over which a right of way existsb: the strip of land over which is built a public roadc: the land occupied by a railroad esp. for its main lined: the land used by a public utility (as for a transmission line)3 a: a precedence in passing accorded to one vehicle over another by custom, decision, or statuteb: the right of traffic to take precedence
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam-Webster. 1996.
- right of way
n.(1) The right of a person traveling on a road, in the air, or on a body of water to proceed ahead of others.(2) An easement that allows a person to pass through someone else’s property, usually in order to reach his or her own property; a piece of land that is subject to a right of way.
The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008.
- right of way
a right enjoyed by one person (either for himself or as a member of the public) to pass over another's land subject to such restrictions and conditions as are specified in the grant or sanctioned by custom, by virtue of which the right exists.
Collins dictionary of law. W. J. Stewart. 2001.
- right of way
1) The right to pass over or through property owned by someone else, usually based upon an easement. There may be a specific path that must be taken, or the right may be more general. The mere right to cross without a specific description is a "floating" easement. A right of way may be granted for a particular purpose — for example, to repair power lines or to make deliveries to the back door of a business.2) In traffic law, the right to proceed, which must be granted to a driver by other drivers under certain circumstances. A driver who fails to yield the right of way when it is required by law may be ticketed. The failure to yield can also be evidence of negligence if an accident results and there is a lawsuit.Category: DUI / DWICategory: DUI / DWI & Traffic TicketsCategory: Real Estate & Rental Property → HomeownersCategory: Small Claims Court & LawsuitsCategory: Traffic Tickets
Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. Gerald N. Hill, Kathleen Thompson Hill. 2009.
- right of way
An easement, a privilege to pass over the land of another, whereby the holder of the easement acquires only a reasonable and usual enjoyment of the property, and the owner of the land retains the benefits and privileges of ownership consistent with the easement.
Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.
- right of way
An easement, a privilege to pass over the land of another, whereby the holder of the easement acquires only a reasonable and usual enjoyment of the property, and the owner of the land retains the benefits and privileges of ownership consistent with the easement.II The right of a party to pass over the land of another.
Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.
- right of way
n.1) a pathway or road with a specific description (e.g. "right to access and egress 20 feet wide along the northern line of Lot 7 of the Cobb subdivision in page 75 of maps").2) the right to cross property to go to and from another parcel. The right of way may be a specific grant of land or an "easement," which is a right to pass across another's land. The mere right to cross without a specific description is a "floating" easement. Some rights of way are for limited use such as repair of electric lines or for deliveries to the back door of a store. Railroads own title to a right of way upon which to build permanent tracks.3) in traffic ordinances, a driver is entitled to the "right of way" to proceed first ahead of other vehicles or pedestrians, depending on certain rules of the road, such as the first to reach an intersection. Failure to yield the right of way to the vehicle or person entitled to it can result in a citation and fine, to say nothing of an accident. It can also be evidence of negligence in a lawsuit for injuries suffered in an accident.
Law dictionary. EdwART. 2013.