rogatory letters — /rogatoriy letarz/ A commission from one judge to another in a foreign country requesting him to examine a witness. See Fed.R.Civil P. 28(b); 28 U.S.C.A. No. 1781. See also letters rogatory … Black's law dictionary
letters rogatory — letters of request or letters rogatory or littera rogatoria a document sent from a court in one jurisdiction to a court in another asking for some form of judicial assistance such as the obtaining of evidence. Collins dictionary of law. W. J.… … Law dictionary
letters of request — or letters rogatory or littera rogatoria a document sent from a court in one jurisdiction to a court in another asking for some form of judicial assistance such as the obtaining of evidence. Collins dictionary of law. W. J. Stewart. 2001 … Law dictionary
letters requisitory — or letters rogatory plural noun A legal instrument by which a court of one country asks that of another to take a certain evidence on its behalf • • • Main Entry: ↑letter … Useful english dictionary
letters of request — letters rogatory обращение государственного суда к иностранному суду с просьбой об оказании правовой помощи, см. juge d appui. См. Марышева Н.И. Международная правовая помощь и ее виды//Проблемы международного частного права. М.:Юридическая фирма … Glossary of international commercial arbitration
letters of marque — Synonyms and related words: Pastoral Epistle, aerogram, air letter, air piracy, airgraph, airplane hijacking, billet doux, buccaneering, bull, chain letter, dead letter, dimissorial, dimissory letter, drop letter, encyclical, fan letter, form… … Moby Thesaurus
letters rogatory — [ rəʊgət(ə)ri] plural noun Law documents making a request through a foreign court to obtain information or evidence from a specified person within the jurisdiction of that court. Origin C19: rogatory from med. L. rogatorius interrogatory … English new terms dictionary
letters rogatory — See letter rogatory … Ballentine's law dictionary
letters rogatory — /letsrz r6g3t(s)riy/ A request by one court of another court in an independent jurisdiction, that a witness be examined upon interrogatories sent with the request. The medium whereby one country, speaking through one of its courts, requests… … Black's law dictionary
letters rogatory — /letsrz r6g3t(s)riy/ A request by one court of another court in an independent jurisdiction, that a witness be examined upon interrogatories sent with the request. The medium whereby one country, speaking through one of its courts, requests… … Black's law dictionary