Bachelor of Laws

bachelor of laws
bach·e·lor of laws /'ba-chə-lər/ often cap B&L
1: the lowest degree conferred by a law school in Canada and formerly in the U.S. see also juris doctor
2: an undergraduate degree in law conferred by a school of law in England and Wales

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

Bachelor of Laws
A degree in law from a law school, abbreviated to LL.B (for "Legum Baccalaureus"), which means that recipient has successfully completed three years of law studies. Most accredited law schools now grant a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree instead. Law schools that made the switch allowed their LL.B. holders to claim a J.D .retroactively.
Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

Bachelor of Laws
   the degree in law from a law school, abbreviated to LLB, which means that the recipient has successfully completed three years of law studies in addition to at least three undergraduate years on any subject. Since the early 1960s most accredited law schools grant a Juris Doctor (JD) degree instead of the LLB. Law schools which made the switch allowed the prior holders of the LLB to claim the JD retroactively.
   See also: Juris Doctor

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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  • Bachelor of Law — Bachelor of Laws ist ein akademischer Grad, der durch ein entsprechendes Studium der Rechtswissenschaft erworben werden kann. Die Abkürzung dieses Bachelorgrades lautet LL.B., was für Legum Baccalaureus steht, wobei LL. die lateinische Art der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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