enervate oneself

enervate oneself
index carouse

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  • carouse — verb be a drunkard, be convivial, be drunk, be immoderate, be intemperate, carry to excess, celebrate, comissari, commit a debauch, debauch, dissipate, drink, drink to excess, enervate oneself, exceed, feast, frolic, go on a spree, imbibe,… …   Law dictionary

  • take — v 1. acquire, secure, get, obtain, gain, procure, come by, Sl. cop; catch, seize, capture; hold, grasp, grip, clasp, embrace; garner, harvest, gather, glean; reach, attain, achieve, win; receive, accept, react or respond to; have, possess,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • take — takable, takeable, adj. taker, n. /tayk/, v., took, taken, taking, n. v.t. 1. to get into one s hold or possession by voluntary action: to take a cigarette out of a box; to take a pen and begin to write. 2. to hold, grasp, or grip: to take a book …   Universalium

  • Skandha — Buddhist term pi= khandha sa= स्कन्ध (skandha) zh=五蘊(T) / 五蕴(S) zh Latn=wǔyùn vi=Ngũ uẩn ja=五蘊 bo=ཕུང་པོ་ལྔ་ bo Latn=phung po lnga en=aggregate, mass, heap my=ခန္ဒာငါးပါး my Latn=IPA|kʰà̃ dà ŋá bá khan da nga: ba:In Buddhist phenomenology and… …   Wikipedia

  • prostrate — 1. adjective 1) the prostrate figure on the ground Syn: prone, lying flat, lying down, stretched out, spread eagled, sprawling, horizontal, recumbent; rare procumbent Ant: upright 2) his wife was prostrate with shock …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • kill — v 1. slay, murder, assassinate, poison, do to death, liquidate, erase, blot or wipe out, put an end to, get rid of, put away, put out of the way, silence, carry off, remove, dispatch, finish, finish off, do for, fix, settle, lay out, lay low, Inf …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • shake — v 1. vibrate, rattle, chatter; convulse, corn move, twitch, vellicate, toss and turn; shimmy, wiggle, rock, bounce, bob, dance, (both of dice) roll, toss; swing, sway, oscillate, wave, roll. 2. tremble, quiver, twitter, trill; pulsate, pulse,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • wear — [n] use, corrosion abrasion, attrition, damage, depreciation, deterioration, dilapidation, diminution, disappearance, employment, erosion, friction, impairment, inroads, loss, mileage, service, usefulness, utility, waste, wear and tear; concepts… …   New thesaurus

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