
I verb chase after, closely examine, comb, delve, examine, examine by inspection, explore, ferret, follow the trail of, go through, hunt, indagate, inquire into, inspect, investigate, look into, look over, look through, probe, pry into, pursue, scan, scour, scout, scrutinize, seek, trace, track, track down, trail associated concepts: illegal search by law enforcement officers, searching premises, unlawful search, unreasonable search and seizure II index audit, canvass, chase, cross-examination, delve, endeavor, examination (study), experiment, ferret, indagation, inquest, inquire, inquiry (request for information), inquiry (systematic investigation), interrogation, investigation, market (demand), peruse, probe, pursue (chase), pursuit (chase), pursuit (effort to secure), quest, question (inquiry), research (noun), research (verb), scrutinize, scrutiny, survey (examine), test, trace (follow), undertaking (attempt), undertaking (enterprise)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

To look for something; to explore hidden places in a person’s house, vehicle, or other place in a quest for evidence of a crime.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

examination of records or registers, especially by or on behalf of purchasers, to ascertain the existence of encumbrances. Whether title to land is or is not subject to the Land Registration Acts, a purchaser should search the Local Land Charges Register maintained by the local authority for details of public local charges and burdens. Where title is subject to the Land Registration Acts, a search should be made of the land registry to discover the existence of charges, restrictive covenants, etc, affecting the land. Where the title is not subject to the Land Registration Acts, searches should be made in the General Register of Land Charges in connection with these matters. In Scottish conveyancing practice there must be searches showing no advance encumbrances in the appropriate registers – the Property Register for cases where the land is registered – in the Register of Sasines and the Register of Inhibitions and Adjudications where the land is held feudally. In the case of land to be first registered, a form 10 report is required, and in respect of land already registered, a form 12 report.

Collins dictionary of law. . 2001.

1) In criminal law, to examine another's premises (including a vehicle) or person to look for evidence of criminal activity. It is unconstitutional under the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments for law enforcement officers to conduct a search without a "search warrant" issued by a judge, or without facts that give the officer "probable cause" to believe evidence of a specific crime is present and there is not enough time to obtain a search warrant.
2) In civil law, to trace the records of ownership of real property in what is commonly called a "title search."
Category: Criminal Law
Category: Real Estate & Rental Property → Buying a House
Category: Real Estate & Rental Property → Selling a House
Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

1 n. A police examination of a person's physical body, property, abode, or other area where the person would have an expectation of privacy, in order to find incriminating evidence. For a search to be legal, there must be probable cause, because the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits unreasonable search and seizure.
2 v. To look for, as in the case of looking for evidence.
See also frisk.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

   1) to examine another's premises (including a vehicle) to look for evidence of criminal activity. It is unconstitutional under the 4th and 14th Amendments for law enforcement officers to conduct a search without a "search warrant" issued by a judge or without facts which give the officer "probable cause" to believe evidence of a specific crime is on the premises and there is not enough time to obtain a search warrant.
   2) to trace the records of ownership of real property in what is commonly called a "title search."

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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