
se·ques·ter 1 /si-'kwes-tər/ vt -tered, -ter·ing [Anglo-French sequestrer, from Middle French, from Latin sequestrare to hand over to a trustee, from sequester third party to whom disputed property is entrusted, agent, from secus beside, otherwise]
1: to place (as a jury or witness) in seclusion or isolation
Juries are sequestered in order to preserve their impartiality. Witnesses are sequestered so that their testimony is not influenced by the testimony of prior witnesses.
2 a: to seize esp. by a writ of sequestration
b: to deposit (property) in sequestration
sequester 2 n: sequestration (3)

Merriam-Websters Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I (seclude) verb cloister, closet, conceal, confine, exclude, isolate, quarantine, remove, retire, secret, segregate, separate, withdraw associated concepts: sequester a jury, sequester a witness II (seize property) verb annex, appropriate, arrogate, attach, confiscate, dispossess, distrain, impound, impress, levy, preempt, replevy, separate, sequestrate, set apart, set aside, take, take hold of, wrest associated concepts: sequester assets III index attach (seize), collect (recover money), confiscate, deprive, distrain, exclude, garnish, impound, impress (procure by force), insulate, isolate, remove (eliminate), seclude, seize (confiscate), withdraw

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

(1) To isolate; to separate or segregate; to hide away; to isolate a jury during a trial.
(2) To seize property pending the outcome of litigation or to hold until a debt is paid; to impose spending restrictions on a government; to declare someone bankrupt. Also called sequestrate.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

the practice, prevalent in the USA, of keeping juries sealed up during sensational trials. In this way they do not have access to prejudicial materials or contacts.

Collins dictionary of law. . 2001.

1) To isolate, separate, or keep a person or people apart from others. For example, a jury in a highly publicized trial may be sequestered to prevent them from reading or hearing anything about the case. A sequestered jury may have to live apart from their families for the duration of the trial. A witness who is sequestered is required to leave the courtroom so he or she does not hear the testimony of other witnesses.
2) For a court to take custody of property that is the subject of a dispute, pending the outcome of a legal proceeding to determine ownership.
Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits

Nolos Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

v. To isolate or keep apart from all others, as in sequestering certain funds or sequestering a jury.
See also sequestration.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

To separate. Sometimes juries are separated from outside influences during their deliberations. For example, this may occur during a highly publicized trial.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

   to keep separate or apart. In so-called "high-profile" criminal prosecutions (involving major crimes, events or persons given wide publicity) the jury is sometimes "sequestered" in a hotel without access to news media, the general public or their families except under supervision, in order to prevent the jury from being "tainted" by information or opinions about the trial outside of the evidence in the courtroom. A witness may be sequestered from hearing the testimony of other witnesses, commonly called being "excluded," until after he/she has testified, supposedly to prevent that witness from being influenced by other evidence or tailoring his/her testimony to fit the stories of others.
   See also: sequestration

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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  • sequester — [si kwes′tər] vt. [ME sequestren < MFr sequestrer < LL sequestrare, to remove, lay aside, separate < L sequester, trustee, akin to sequi: see SEQUENT] 1. to set off or apart; separate; segregate; often, to segregate or isolate (the jury) …   English World dictionary

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