
se·ri·a·tim 1 /ˌsir-ē-'ā-təm, -'a-, -'ä-/ adv [Medieval Latin, from Latin series succession of persons or things, series, from serere to join, bind together]: in a series: individually in a sequence
we will consider the complaints seriatim
seriatim 2 adj: occurring or following in a series
talked to the various trustees in seriatim telephone callsProfessional Hockey Corp. v. World Hockey Ass'n, 191 Cal. Rptr. 773 (1983)

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

index consecutive

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

'one after another', as listed in a series or list.

Collins dictionary of law. . 2001.

Latin for one after another, as in a series. For example, issues or facts might be discussed seriatim (or "ad seriatim"), meaning one by one in order.
Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

adv. Latin In sequence. Successively; in successive order, one by one; in due order; sequentially, one at a time.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.


Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

[Latin, Severally; separately; individually; one by one.]

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

   Latin for "one after another" as in a series. Thus, issues or facts are discussed seriatim (or "ad seriatim"), meaning one by one in order.
   See also: ad seriatim

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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  • Seriatim — Seriatim, Latin for in series, is a legal term typically used to indicate that a court is addressing multiple issues in a certain order, such as the order that the issues were originally presented to the court.A seriatim opinion describes an… …   Wikipedia

  • seriatim — 1670s, from M.L. seriatim, from L. series (see SERIES (Cf. series)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Seriatim — Se ri*a tim, adv. [NL.] In regular order; one after the other; severally. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • seriatim — [sir΄ē āt′im] adv., adj. [ML < L series, based on gradatim, step by step] one after another in order; point by point; serial(ly) …   English World dictionary

  • seriatim — I. adverb Etymology: Medieval Latin, from Latin series Date: 1680 in a series II. adjective Date: 1871 following seriatim …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • seriatim — /sear ee ay tim, ser /, adv., adj. in a series; one after another. [1670 80; < ML seriatim, equiv. to seriat(us) arranged in order (see SERIES, ATE1) + im adv. suffix] * * * …   Universalium

  • seriatim — adverb /sɛ.ɹiˈɑː.tiːm,ˌsɛ.ɹɪˈeɪ.tɪm/ Point by point; taking one topic or subject at a time in an order. Seriatim, I know of no good Authority that this Adverb can claim, though it has got a Place in our Dictionaries, and School Books. See Also:… …   Wiktionary

  • seriatim —    (seh ree AH tim) [Latin] In a series; one after another.    Conservative governments in Britain have produced sex scandals seriatim, and though readers of the popular press gobbled up salacious minutiae, they seldom punished the sinners at the …   Dictionary of foreign words and phrases

  • seriatim — se•ri•a•tim [[t]ˌsɪər iˈeɪ tɪm, ˈɑ tɪm, ˌsɛr [/t]] adv. adj. in a series; one after another • Etymology: 1670–80; < ML seriātim < seriāt(us) arranged in order …   From formal English to slang

  • seriatim — adv. point by point; taking one subject etc. after another in regular order (consider seriatim). Etymology: med.L f. L series, after LITERATIM etc …   Useful english dictionary

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