evident demonstration
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demonstration — [dem′ən strā′shən] n. [ME demonstracion < L demonstratio < demonstrare: see DEMONSTRATE] 1. the act, process, or means of making evident or proving 2. an explanation by example, experiment, etc. 3. a practical showing of how something works … English World dictionary
Démonstration par récurrence — Raisonnement par récurrence En mathématiques, le raisonnement par récurrence est une forme de raisonnement visant à démontrer une propriété portant sur tous les entiers naturels. Le raisonnement par récurrence consiste à démontrer les points… … Wikipédia en Français
Demonstration — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Demonstration >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 1 =>{ant,479,} demonstration proof Sgm: N 1 conclusiveness conclusiveness &c. >Adj. Sgm: N 1 apodeixis apodeixis apodixis probation comprobation| GRP … English dictionary for students
demonstration — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Act of proving Nouns demonstration, substantiation, proof, probation, verification, authentication; confirmation, corroboration, evidence; conclusiveness; test (see experiment); argument (see reasoning) … English dictionary for students
evident — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. apparent, plain, obvious, distinct; broad, unmistakable, palpable, patent, open, manifest, clear; downright, overt, indubitable. See appearance, certainty, demonstration, visibility. II (Roget s IV) … English dictionary for students
self-evident — self evidence, n. self evidently, adv. /self ev i deuhnt, self /, adj. evident in itself without proof or demonstration; axiomatic. [1665 75] Syn. obvious, self explanatory. * * * … Universalium
self-evident — self ev′ident adj. evident in itself without proof or demonstration; axiomatic • Etymology: 1665–75 self ev′idently, adv … From formal English to slang
proof — n [alteration of Middle English preove, from Old French preuve, from Late Latin proba, from Latin probare to prove] 1: the effect of evidence sufficient to persuade a reasonable person that a particular fact exists see also evidence 2: the… … Law dictionary
rigoureux — rigoureux, euse (ri gou reû, reû z ) adj. 1° Qui a beaucoup de sévérité dans ses maximes et dans sa conduite. • Rigoureuse vertu dont je suis la victime, CORN. Hor. II, 5. • Un sage ami, toujours rigoureux, inflexible, Sur vos défauts… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
Hellenistic biological sciences — R.J.Kankinson The five centuries that separate Aristotle’s death in 322 BC from Galen’s ascendancy in Rome in the latter part of the second century AD were fertile ones for the biological sciences, in particular medicine. Nor is the period solely … History of philosophy