Shareholders' meeting — A shareholders meeting is a meeting, usually annually, of the shareholders of a corporation to elect the board of directors and hear reports on the company s business results, prospects, and plans. In larger corporations, only a small percentage… … Wikipedia
shareholders' meeting — A meeting, usually held annually, of all shareholders of a corporation (in large corporations, usually only a small percentage attend) to elect the board of directors and hear reports on the company s business situation. In larger corporations … Business law dictionary
meeting — meet‧ing [ˈmiːtɪŋ] noun [countable] an event at which people meet to talk and decide things: • We had a meeting yesterday to discuss progress. • It was decided to hold a shareholders meeting later this month. • Two of the directors refused to… … Financial and business terms
meeting — I (conference) noun assembly, caucus, colloquy, conclave, concursus, congressio, consistory, consultation, convention, conventus, convocation, discussion, encounter, exchange of views, forum, gathering, interchange of views, negotiation, open… … Law dictionary
Notice of bond or shareholders meeting — An ISO term. A notice sent by a custodian or other interested party, such as transfer agent, which requests the receiver to inform its bond or shareholding customers about the shareholders or bondholders meeting of a company … International financial encyclopaedia
Meeting date, time and place — An ISO term. The date, time and place when/where the bondholders or shareholders meeting is to take place. 6n 4*65x … International financial encyclopaedia
shareholders' register — UK US noun [C, usually singular] (also register of shareholders, share register, register of members) FINANCE, STOCK MARKET ► a list of all the shareholders in a company and the number of shares they each own: »Shareholders who wish to attend the … Financial and business terms
meeting — noun 1 when people come together to discuss/decide sth ADJECTIVE ▪ frequent, regular ▪ annual, biannual, biennial, daily, monthly, quarterly, weekly … Collocations dictionary
annual meeting — Meeting of stockholders held once a year at which the managers of a company report to the stockholders on the year s results. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * annual meeting UK US noun [C] US ► MEETINGS AGM(Cf. ↑AGM): »Shareholders are… … Financial and business terms
Annual General Meeting — Also known as the AGM. All companies are required to hold an Annual General Meeting at least once every 15 months. Shareholders must be given 21 days notice of the meeting and this may only be waived if all shareholders agree. Dresdner Kleinwort… … Financial and business terms