- executive committee
commission (agency), management (directorate)
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
Executive Committee — may refer to: The Executive Committee of the Privy Council of Northern Ireland, a government body in the United Kingdom 1921–1972 The Northern Ireland Executive, a government body in the United Kingdom Northern Ireland Executive (1973), under the … Wikipedia
executive committee — ➔ committee * * * executive committee UK US noun [C] MANAGEMENT, MEETINGS ► a group of important managers who run a company or organization: »The company, France s second largest industrial group, is currently being run by two executive… … Financial and business terms
Executive Committee — A committee that assists the postmaster general in establishing management policy and objectives and approving major plans, programs, and budgets. It is composed of several senior officers, including the postmaster general and the deputy… … Glossary of postal terms
Executive Committee — ExComm Sitzung am 29. Oktober 1962 Das Executive Committee, kurz ExComm, wurde am 16. Oktober 1962 von US Präsident John F. Kennedy zur Lösung der Kubakrise einberufen. Dieser informelle, geheime Ausschuss bestand aus dem Nationalen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Executive Committee Range — Range SW view of Mount Sidley caldera Contine … Wikipedia
Executive Committee of the Privy Council of Northern Ireland — matters.Under the Act the Executive Committee consisted of the ministers appointed by the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to head departments of state. [ [http://cain.ulst.ac.uk/issues/politics/docs/goi231220.htm#8 Government of Ireland Act, Section… … Wikipedia
Executive Committee (Oregon Country) — An Executive Committee was the title of a three person committee which served as the executive Branch of the Provisional Government of Oregon in the disputed Oregon Country. This arrangement was announced on July 5, 1843, after three months of… … Wikipedia
Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization — The Executive Committee (PLO EC) is the highest executive body of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).Its 18 members are elected by the PLO Parliament, the Palestinian National Council (PNC), often as representatives of the PLO member… … Wikipedia
Executive Committee of International Olympic Committee — Tarptautinio olimpinio komiteto Vykdomasis komitetas statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis TOK vykdomoji institucija, laiduojanti Olimpinės chartijos reikalavimų vykdymą, rengianti TOK sesijų darbotvarkę, atsakanti už TOK finansus … Sporto terminų žodynas
executive committee — A committee of a voluntary association or club, the authority of which is determined by the constitution or bylaws. 6 Am J2d Asso & C § 44. A committee chosen from among the directors of a corporation, authorized to act for the board, during… … Ballentine's law dictionary