
spon·sor n
1: a legislator who introduces and supports a legislative proposal (as a bill or amendment)
2: a person who assumes responsibility for some other person (as an immigrant) or thing
3 a: one that securitizes assets
b: one that promotes, advocates, or favors a business venture (as investment in a security or limited partnership)
sponsor vb
spon·sor·ship n

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I noun advocate, auctor, backer, benefactor, champion, favorer, guarantor, guardian, insurer, patron, promoter, protector, succorer, surety, sympathizer associated concepts: sponsor of legislation II verb accept responsibility for, act as surety for, answer for, assure, back, be responsible for, befriend, certify, champion, defend, endorse, ensure, favor, finance, financier, guarantee, insure, patronize, pay for, promote, protect, provide for, put up the money, secure, stand behind, subscribe to, support, sustain, sympathize, take responsibility for, underwrite, uphold, vouch for, warrant associated concepts: sponsor a bill III index avouch (guarantee), backer, bestow, capitalize (provide capital), creditor, espouse, finance, guarantee, guardian, invest (fund), nurture, partisan, patron (influential supporter), promote (organize), promoter, proponent, protect, surety (guarantor), underwrite

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

Category: Immigration

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

A person approved, by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) to act as a sponsor under section 88 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA). In certain circumstances a company that issues shares that are to be listed must appoint a financial adviser to act as sponsor. The sponsor advises the company on a wide range of issues and must be an authorised person under FSMA (or the equivalent under EC directives) and must be registered on the FSA's register of sponsors.
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Also know as an equity sponsor.
Typically the manager or general partner of a private equity or venture capital investment fund. The sponsor is typically run by one or more private equity or venture capital investment professionals who are responsible for:
• Forming the investment fund (typically a limited partnership or a limited liability company).
• Organizing and promoting capital raising for the fund (typically from insurance and bank holding companies, university endowments, employee benefit plans and wealthy individuals).
• Identifying and executing investment opportunities, including leveraged buyouts and venture capital investments.
• Managing portfolio companies (portfolio company) following an investment, including exiting such investments to realize a return on investment for the fund.
The sponsor receives a management fee from the fund (typically 2% of committed capital) to pay for the costs of managing the fund and shares in any profits of the fund (typically 20% of net profits) as compensation for, and an incentive to improve, fund performance.
For more on the types of investments typically made by sponsors and their investment funds, see Practice Note, Buyouts: Overview (www.practicallaw.com/4-381-1368) and Practice Note, Minority Investments: Overview (www.practicallaw.com/1-422-1158).
Related terms

Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. . 2010.

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