- filiation
fil·i·a·tion /ˌfi-lē-'ā-shən/ n [Late Latin filiatio relationship of a son and father, from Latin filius son]1: a legal relationship of a parent and esp. a father and child that creates rights and obligationsused to help prove filiation in a paternity suit — LeBlanc v. LeBlanc, 427 So. 2d 1361 (1986) see also legitimate filiation compare acknowledgment, paternity◇ The Louisiana Supreme Court has held that children not entitled to legitimate filiation to the alleged parent, or not legitimated or formally acknowledged by the alleged parent, may establish filiation in a filiation proceeding. This has led to some instances where the legitimate children of one father have been allowed to prove filiation to another father. Such an action does not make the children illegitimate but does create a status of dual paternity.2: adjudication of paternity or filiationthe court has made an order of filiation — Idaho Code
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam-Webster. 1996.
- filiation
affiliation, assignment of paternity, blood relationship, cognation, determination of a child's paternity, family connection, fatherhood, fathership, kinship, lineage, parentage, paternity, relationship, ties of blood
associated concepts: filiation proceeding
foreign phrases:
- Semper praesumitur pro legitimatione puerorum. — The presumption always is in favor of the legitimacy of children- Filiatio non potest probari. — Filiation cannot be proved- Pater est quern nuptiae demonstrant. — He is the father whom the marriage points outII index affiliation (bloodline), affinity (family ties), ancestry, blood, degree (kinship), descent (lineage), family (common ancestry), origin (ancestry), parentage, propinquity (kinship), relationship (family tie)
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006