sum certain

sum certain
sum cer·tain /'səm-'sərt-ən/ n: an amount that can be determined with certainty from the information presented (as on a negotiable instrument) without resort to outside sources

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

sum certain
A specified or fixed sum of money.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

sum certain
An amount that is directly stated in a contract or negotiable instrument (like a promissory note) at the time the document is written. For example, "I agree to pay you $500 for painting my living room."
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Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

sum certain
n. Any fixed, settled-upon, precise amount. It may be a commercial instrument with a fixed amount specified on its face.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

sum certain
   a specific amount stated in a contract or negotiable instrument (like a promissory note) at the time the document is written. A sum certain does not require future calculation or the awaiting of future happenings. Example: "Wanda Williams will pay Wilma Jackson $10,000 for redecorating her house, including all costs," is a sum certain as compared to "Williams will pay Jackson for time (at the rate of $50 an hour) and costs of materials for redecoration of Williams' house."

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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  • sum certain — A requisite of a negotiable instrument is that it contains an unconditional promise to pay a sum certain. U.C.C. No. 3 104(lXb). In law of negotiable instruments, the sum payable is a sum certain even though it is to be paid (a) with stated… …   Black's law dictionary

  • sum certain —    A specific amount that is stated in a contract or negotiable instrument (e.g., a promissory note) at the time the document is written and is not dependent on a future calculation or a future event. Engaging someone to do a task for a stated… …   Business law dictionary

  • certain — cer‧tain [ˈsɜːtn ǁ ˈsɜːrtn] adjective a sum certain LAW an amount of money that cannot be changed or have anything added to it: • a written order requiring the importer to pay a sum certain in the exporter s domestic currency * * * certain UK US… …   Financial and business terms

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