flip a coin

flip a coin
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  • flip a coin — flip/toss/a coin phrase to throw a coin in the air to decide between two choices, depending on which side of the coin is on top when it lands Flip a coin to decide who goes first. Thesaurus: to choose someone or somethingsynonym to choose a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • flip a coin — toss a coin (to determine the outcome of something, to make a decision) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • toss/flip a coin — to decide something by throwing a coin up in the air and seeing which side is shown after it lands Let s toss a coin. Heads, we don t go; tails, we do. • • • Main Entry: ↑coin …   Useful english dictionary

  • Coin flipping — or coin tossing or heads or tails is the practice of throwing a coin in the air to choose between two alternatives, sometimes to resolve a dispute between two parties. It is a form of sortition which inherently has only two possible and equally… …   Wikipedia

  • flip — flip1 [flip] vt. flipped, flipping [echoic] 1. to toss or move with a quick jerk; flick [flip the drawer shut] 2. to snap (a coin) into the air with the thumb, as in betting on which side will land uppermost 3. to turn or turn over [to flip pages …   English World dictionary

  • flip you for it — flip a coin to decide who pays    When our food check arrived, Al said to me, I ll flip you for it …   English idioms

  • coin — I UK [kɔɪn] / US noun Word forms coin : singular coin plural coins ** a) [countable] a flat round piece of metal with special designs on it, used as money. A piece of money made from paper is called a banknote or a note. b) [uncountable] money in …   English dictionary

  • flip — I. /flɪp / (say flip) verb (flipped, flipping) –verb (t) 1. to toss or put in motion with a snap of a finger and thumb; fillip; flick. 2. to move (something) with a jerk or jerks. –verb (i) 3. to make a fillip; strike smartly at something. 4. to… …  

  • flip — {{11}}flip (n.) sailors hot drink usually containing beer, brandy and sugar, 1690s, from FLIP (Cf. flip) (v.); so called from notion of it being whipped up or beaten. {{12}}flip (v.) 1590s (1520s in flip flop), imitative or else a contraction of… …   Etymology dictionary

  • flip — flip1 /flip/, v., flipped, flipping, n. v.t. 1. to toss or put in motion with a sudden impulse, as with a snap of a finger and thumb, esp. so as to cause to turn over in the air: to flip a coin. 2. to move (something) suddenly or jerkily. 3. to… …   Universalium

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