follow as a consequence
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follow — [fäl′ō] vt. [ME folwen < OE folgian, akin to Ger folgen & (?) Welsh olafiad, follower] 1. to come or go after 2. to go after in order to catch; chase; pursue 3. to go along [follow the right road] 4. to come or occur after in time, in a series … English World dictionary
consequence — [kän′si kwens΄, kän′sikwəns] n. [OFr < L consequentia < consequens, prp. of consequi, to follow after < com , with + sequi, to follow: see SEQUENT] 1. a result of an action, process, etc.; outcome; effect 2. a logical result or… … English World dictionary
consequence — late 14c., inference, conclusion, from O.Fr. consequence result (13c., Mod.Fr. conséquence), from L. consequentia, from consequentem (nom. consequens), prp. of consequi to follow after, from com with (see COM (Cf. com )) + sequi … Etymology dictionary
consequence — [n1] result, outcome of action aftereffect, aftermath, bottom line*, can of worms*, chain reaction*, effect, end, event, fallout, follow through, follow up, issue, outgrowth, payback, reaction, repercussion, sequel, sequence, spin off, upshot,… … New thesaurus
follow — vb 1 Follow, succeed, ensue, supervene mean to come after someone or, more often, something. Although all of these verbs occur as transitives and intransitives, ensue and supervene are more commonly intransitive verbs. Follow is the general term… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
follow — ► VERB 1) move or travel behind. 2) go after (someone) so as to observe or monitor them. 3) go along (a route or path). 4) come after in time or order. 5) be a logical consequence. 6) (also follow on from) occur as a result of … English terms dictionary
consequence — I (conclusion) noun aftereffect, aftergrowth, aftermath, climax, completion, conclusion, consecutio, consummation, culmination, decision, deduction, denouement, derivation, derivative, determination, development, effect, emanation, ensual,… … Law dictionary
follow-on — [fäl′ōän΄] adj. designating or of anything that follows something else as a consequence or natural development; follow up [follow on negotiations] … English World dictionary
consequence — ► NOUN 1) a result or effect. 2) importance or relevance: the past is of no consequence. 3) dated social distinction. ORIGIN Latin consequentia, from consequi follow closely … English terms dictionary
follow-on — a. Following as a logical consequence or next step in a process; used mostly of voluntary actions. [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English