- consequence
(conclusion) noun
aftereffect, aftergrowth, aftermath, climax, completion, conclusion, consecutio, consummation, culmination, decision, deduction, denouement, derivation, derivative, determination, development, effect, emanation, ensual, eventuality, execution, final result, finale, finding, finish, fruition, illation, induction, logical result, offshoot, outcome, outgrowth, product, reaction, resolution, response, result, resultant action, settlement, upshot, verdict
associated concepts: consequential benefits, consequential contempt, consequential contracts, consequential damages, consequential injuries, consequential loss
foreign phrases:
- Consuetudo non trahitur in conseqentiam. — Custom is not drawn into consequence- Non officit conatus nisi sequatur effect us. — An attempt does not harm unless a consequence follows- Officit conatus si effectus sequatur. — The attempt becomes of consequence, if the effect followsII (significance) noun accent, auctoritas, base, basis, core, distinction, effect, essence, essential quality, force, germ, heart, import, importance, influence, magnitude, marrow, materialness, meaning, merit, nature, notable feature, nucleus, point, primary element, principle, prominence, purport, quintessence, relevance, self-consequence, self-importance, seriousness, signification, soul, substance, usefulness, vital part III index amount (result), clout, concern (interest), conclusion (outcome), degree (magnitude), development (outgrowth), effect, eminence, emphasis, follow-up, force (strength), import, importance, influence, interest (concern), magnitude, outcome, prestige, primacy, reputation, result, significance, toll (effect), value, weight (importance)
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
- consequence
n.A result; the result that naturally follows a cause.
The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008.