
I noun accident, accidentalness, adventitiousness, adventure, casualness, casualty, chance, chance occurrence, coincidence, contingence, fluke, fortuitousness, happenstance, hazard, occurrence, opportunity, quirk, random luck, randomness, speculation, uncertainty associated concepts: fortuitous collision, fortuitous event II index accident (chance occurrence), act of God, happenstance, occurrence, opportunity, quirk (accident), speculation (risk)

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  • Fortuity — For*tu i*ty, n. [Cf. F. fortuit[ e].] Accident; chance; casualty. D. Forbes (1750). [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • fortuity — 1747, from FORTUITOUS (Cf. fortuitous) + ITY (Cf. ity) …   Etymology dictionary

  • fortuity — [fôr to͞o′ə tē, fôrtyo͞o′ə tē] n. pl. fortuities [< L fortuitus (see FORTUITOUS) + ITY] 1. the quality or condition of being fortuitous 2. chance or chance occurrence …   English World dictionary

  • fortuity — fortuitous ► ADJECTIVE 1) happening by chance rather than design. 2) happening by a lucky chance; fortunate. DERIVATIVES fortuitously adverb fortuitousness noun fortuity noun (pl. fortuities) . ORIGIN Latin fortuitus, from forte …   English terms dictionary

  • fortuity — noun (plural ities) Date: circa 1747 1. the quality or state of being fortuitous 2. a chance event or occurrence …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • fortuity — /fawr tooh i tee, tyooh /, n., pl. fortuities for 2, 3. 1. the state or quality of being fortuitous; fortuitous character. 2. an accidental occurrence. 3. an instance of great luck or good fortune. [1740 50; FORTUIT(OUS) + Y3] * * * …   Universalium

  • fortuity — noun a) The state of being fortuitous b) A fortuitous event; an accident …   Wiktionary

  • fortuity — Synonyms and related words: accident, accidentality, actuarial calculation, adventitiousness, adventure, break, casualness, casualty, chance, chance hit, contingency, contingent, destiny, fate, fluke, flukiness, fortuitousness, fortune, freak… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • fortuity — (Roget s Thesaurus II) noun 1. An unexpected random event: accident, chance, fluke, hap, happenchance, happenstance, hazard. See CERTAIN, SURPRISE. 2. The quality shared by random, unintended, or unpredictable events or this quality regarded as… …   English dictionary for students

  • fortuity — for tu·i·ty || fÉ”r tuːətɪ /fɔː tju n. fortuitousness; chance; accidental occurrence …   English contemporary dictionary

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