- term
term n often attrib1: a specified period of timethe policy term2: the whole period for which an estate is granted; also: the estate itself3 a: the period in which the powers of a court may be validly exercisedb: session4: a word, phrase, or provision of import esp. in determining the nature and scope of an agreement— usu. used in pl.the term s of the contract
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam-Webster. 1996.
- term
(duration) noun
age, course, era, incumbency, interval, lifetime, period, reign, season, session, span, spatium temporis, spell, stage, tenancy, tenure, time
associated concepts: term for years, term insurance, term of a lease, term of confinement, term of court, term of office
foreign phrases:
- Terminus annorum certus debet esse et determinatus. — A term of years ought to be certain and determinate.II (expression) noun appellation, appellative, cognomen, denomination, designation, epithet, heading, idiom, locution, name, phrase, title, verbalism, verbum, vocable, vocabulum, word associated concepts: definition of terms III (provision) noun agreement, arrangement, article of agreement, bargain, clause, condicio, condition, covenant, item, lex, limitation, particular, point, proviso, qualification, specification, stipulation, understanding associated concepts: terms and conditions of a contract, terms of a policy, terms of payment, terms of sale IV index call (title), call (title), clause, condition (contingent provision), define, denominate, denomination, duration, expiration, finality, identify, label, life (period of existence), lifetime, option (contractual provision), period, phase (period), phrase, provision (clause), purview, qualification (condition), session, technicality, tenure, time, title (division)
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
- term
n.(1) A word or expression for something.(2) The duration of something; a fixed period of time; a period of time in which a court is in session.(3) A condition or requirement in a contract or agreement, usually used in the plural, i.e., termsv.To give a name to something.
The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008.
- term
1) In contracts or leases, a period of time, such as one year, in which a contract or lease will be in force.2) In contracts or leases, a specified condition, often also called a clause, such as a provision that prohibits tenants from keeping pets.3) A period of time for which a court sits or a legislature will be in session.Category: If, When & Where to File a LawsuitCategory: Mediation, Arbitration & Collaborative LawCategory: Real Estate & Rental Property → Renters' & Tenants' RightsCategory: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits
Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. Gerald N. Hill, Kathleen Thompson Hill. 2009.
- term
An expression, word, or phrase that has a fixed and known meaning in a particular art, science, or profession. A specified period of time.
Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.
- term
An expression, word, or phrase that has a fixed and known meaning in a particular art, science, or profession. A specified period of time.
Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.
- term
n.1) in contracts or leases, a period of time, such as five years, in which a contract or lease is in force.2) in contracts, a specified condition or proviso.3) a period for which a court sits or a legislature is in session.4) a word or phrase for something, as "tenancy" is one term for "occupancy."
Law dictionary. EdwART. 2013.