give a wide berth
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give a wide berth — ► give a wide berth stay well away from. Main Entry: ↑berth … English terms dictionary
give a wide berth to — To keep well away from, avoid • • • Main Entry: ↑berth … Useful english dictionary
give a wide berth to — index shun Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
give a wide berth — steer (a ship) well clear of something while passing it ships are advised to give a wide berth to the Outer Banks ■ figurativestay away from someone or something I d sworn to give women a wide berth * * * give (someone or something) a wide berth … Useful english dictionary
give a wide berth — give (someone/something) a wide berth to avoid someone or something. I try to give the city centre a wide berth on a Saturday. If she s in a bad mood I tend to give her a wide berth … New idioms dictionary
give a wide berth — If you give someone or something a wide berth, you stay at a prudent distance from them in order to avoid unwanted consequences. The only way to avoid traffic jams is to give the town centre a wide berth … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
give a wide berth — {v. phr.} To keep away from; keep a safe distance from. * /Mary gave the barking dog a wide berth./ * /Jack gave a wide berth to the fallen electric wires./ * /After Tom got Bob into trouble. Bob gave him a wide berth./ … Dictionary of American idioms
give a wide berth — {v. phr.} To keep away from; keep a safe distance from. * /Mary gave the barking dog a wide berth./ * /Jack gave a wide berth to the fallen electric wires./ * /After Tom got Bob into trouble. Bob gave him a wide berth./ … Dictionary of American idioms
give\ a\ wide\ berth — v. phr. To keep away from; keep a safe distance from. Mary gave the barking dog a wide berth. Jack gave a wide berth to the fallen electric wires. After Tom got Bob into trouble. Bob gave him a wide berth … Словарь американских идиом
give a wide berth to — idi to keep a careful distance from; shun … From formal English to slang