trust fund recovery penalty — (TFRP) A penalty from the IRS for not paying trust fund taxes, which are taxes a company withholds from an employees paycheck, including Social Security and Medicare taxes and federal income (withholding) taxes. This penalty can be assessed… … Law dictionary
Social Security Trust Fund — The Social Security Trust Fund is the means by which the federal government of the United States accounts for excess paid in contributions from workers and employers to the Social Security system that are not required to fund current benefit… … Wikipedia
Federal Highway Trust Fund (United States) — The United States Highway Trust Fund is a transportation fund with three accounts the bulk composed by the Highway Fund , a smaller Mass Transit Account and a comparatively small Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund. Lawmakers established… … Wikipedia
Hospital Insurance Trust Fund — This trust fund is part A of Medicare, the United States health insurance program for people age 65 and older and certain disabled persons. It is financed through payroll taxes derived from current workers and employers. This trust fund is… … Investment dictionary
Permanent Wyoming Mineral Trust Fund - PWMTF — Established in 1974 by the Wyoming Legislature, the Permanent Wyoming Mineral Trust Fund (PWMTF) is that state s oldest and largest permanent fund, with assets of $4.2 billion as of June 30, 2009. It is funded by a portion of severance taxes on… … Investment dictionary
Airport and Airway Trust Fund — The Airport and Airway Trust Fund (AATF) provides funding for the federal commitment to the aviation system of the United States of America through several aviation related excise taxes.cite book |last=Wells |first=Alexander T. |coauthors=Seth B … Wikipedia
trust — n 1 a: a fiduciary relationship in which one party holds legal title to another s property for the benefit of a party who holds equitable title to the property b: an entity resulting from the establishment of such a relationship see also… … Law dictionary
Private annuity trust — A private annuity trust (PAT) enables the value of highly appreciated assets, such as real estate, collectables or an investment portfolio, to be realized without directly selling them and incurring substantial taxes from their sale. A PAT can… … Wikipedia
Religious Freedom Peace Tax Fund Act — The Religious Freedom Peace Tax Fund Act is legislation proposed in the United States Congress that would legalize a form of conscientious objection to military taxation.DescriptionThis act would establish a “peace tax fund” that parallels the… … Wikipedia
Gift In Trust — An indirect bequest of assets to a beneficiary by means of a special legal and fiduciary arrangement. The purpose of a gift in trust is to avoid taxes on gifts that exceed the annual gift tax exclusion amount. Gift taxes are almost always paid by … Investment dictionary