- gloomy
bleak (not favorable), bleak (severely simple), despondent, disconsolate, lugubrious, ominous, pessimistic, portentous (ominous), solemn
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
Gloomy — can refer to:*gloom, a melancholy, depressing or despondent atmosphere *The song Gloomy Sunday *The Gloomy Dean, nickname of William Ralph Inge *Gloomy Bear, a fictional character *Gloomy Galleon … Wikipedia
Gloomy — Gloom y, a. [Compar. {Gloomier}; superl. {Gloomiest}.] 1. Imperfectly illuminated; dismal through obscurity or darkness; dusky; dim; clouded; as, the cavern was gloomy. Though hid in gloomiest shade. Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. Affected with, or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
gloomy — UK US /ˈgluːmi/ adjective ► not giving much hope for the future: »The stock market is sinking on the back of gloomy economic news. »Despite the gloomy outlook for personal computer sales in the United States, sales in Japan are strong … Financial and business terms
gloomy — [adj1] dark, black bleak, caliginous, cheerless, clouded, cloudy, crepuscular, desolate, dim, dismal, dreary, dull, dusky, forlorn, funereal, lightless, murky, obscure, overcast, overclouded, sepulchral, shadowy, somber, tenebrous, unilluminated … New thesaurus
gloomy — 1580s, probably from GLOOM (Cf. gloom) even though that word is not attested as early as this one is. Shakespeare used it of woods, Marlowe of persons. Gloomy Gus used in a general sense of sullen person since 1940s, from a comic strip character… … Etymology dictionary
gloomy — 1 murky, obscure, *dark, dim, dusky Antonyms: brilliant (with reference to illumination) Contrasted words: *bright, effulgent, radiant, luminous: illuminated, illumined, lighted, lightened (see ILLUMINATE) 2 glum, *sullen, morose, saturnine, dour … New Dictionary of Synonyms
gloomy — ► ADJECTIVE (gloomier, gloomiest) 1) dark or poorly lit, especially so as to cause fear or depression. 2) causing or feeling depression or despondency. DERIVATIVES gloomily adverb gloominess noun … English terms dictionary
gloomy — [glo͞om′ē] adj. gloomier, gloomiest 1. overspread with or enveloped in darkness or dimness 2. a) very sad or dejected; hopeless; melancholy b) morose or sullen 3. causing gloom; dismal; depressing SYN. DARK … English World dictionary
gloomy — [[t]glu͟ːmi[/t]] gloomier, gloomiest 1) ADJ GRADED If a place is gloomy, it is almost dark so that you cannot see very well. Inside it s gloomy after all that sunshine... All the electric lamps in this huge gloomy church were extinguished. 2) ADJ … English dictionary
gloomy */ — UK [ˈɡluːmɪ] / US [ˈɡlumɪ] adjective Word forms gloomy : adjective gloomy comparative gloomier superlative gloomiest 1) feeling sad and without hope He became very gloomy and depressed. 2) showing that things are not going well and will probably… … English dictionary