have a fancy for

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  • Fancy — Fan cy, v. t. 1. To form a conception of; to portray in the mind; to imagine. [1913 Webster] He whom I fancy, but can ne er express. Dryden. [1913 Webster] 2. To have a fancy for; to like; to be pleased with, particularly on account of external… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • fancy — I. transitive verb (fancied; fancying) Date: 14th century 1. to have a fancy for ; like 2. to form a conception of ; imagine < fancy our embarrassment > 3. a. to believe mistakenly or without evidence …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • fancy — n 1. imagination, creativity, originality; conception, origination, generation, creation, invention, fabrication, formation. 2. mental image, visualization, picture; conception, concept, thought, notion, idea, abstraction, conceptualization;… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • fancy — I. n. 1. Imagination (properly, as exercised in sportive or whimsical moods), which see. 2. Pleasing conceit, happy conception, striking thought, ideal image, bright stroke. 3. Notion, idea, thought, conception, conceit, impression, apprehension …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • fancy — [fan′sē] n. pl. fancies [ME fantsy, contr. < fantasie: see FANTASY] 1. imagination, now esp. light, playful, or whimsical imagination 2. illusion or delusion 3. a mental image 4. an arbitrary idea; notion; caprice; whim 5. an …   English World dictionary

  • Fancy — Fan cy (f[a^]n s[y^]), n.; pl. {Fancies}. [Contr. fr. fantasy, OF. fantasie, fantaisie, F. fantaisie, L. phantasia, fr. Gr. ???????? appearance, imagination, the power of perception and presentation in the mind, fr. ???????? to make visible, to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Fancy Crane — Infobox soap character name = Fancy Crane Lopez Fitzgerald series = Passions portrayer = Emily Harper (2005 2008) Krissy Carlson (2008; temporary) Soap Opera Digest , March 18, 2008 edition. Carlson filled in for Harper March 10 11, 2008.] first …   Wikipedia

  • fancy — I [[t]fæ̱nsi[/t]] WANTING, LIKING, OR THINKING ♦♦♦ fancies, fancying, fancied (Please look at category 12 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword.) 1) VERB If you fancy something, you want to have it or to do… …   English dictionary

  • fancy — I UK [ˈfænsɪ] / US verb [transitive] Word forms fancy : present tense I/you/we/they fancy he/she/it fancies present participle fancying past tense fancied past participle fancied ** 1) British informal to want to have or do something What do you… …   English dictionary

  • fancy — fanciness, n. /fan see/, n., pl. fancies, adj., fancier, fanciest, v., fancied, fancying, interj. n. 1. imagination or fantasy, esp. as exercised in a capricious manner. 2. the artistic ability of creating unreal or whimsical imagery, decorative… …   Universalium

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